Saturday, September 28, 2019

The Moorish Empire Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Moorish Empire - Essay Example It was the system of learning and education established by the Moors in Spain that gradually gained grounds in the rest of Europe. While in the Christian Europe the populations predominantly happened to be illiterate, Moors placed a highly value on knowledge and learning (Sordo & Swaan 117). During the times of the Moorish Empire, when the entire Europe could boast of merely two universities, the Moorish Empire was the home to almost seventeen universities placed at Almeria, Toledo, Cordova, Malaga, Cordova and other important cities (Sordo & Swaan 131). The Moorish Empire in Spain had well stocked libraries housing some of the most important manuscripts and books. The library at Cordova happened to be one of the most expansive and well stocked libraries in Europe (Sordo & Swaan 55). It was this rich and well endowed system of education introduced by Moors in Europe that laid down the foundations for European Renaissance. It was the Moors who organized agriculture in Spain along the modern lines. They introduced elaborate systems of irrigation through artificially planned and constructed water channels, used modern manures and cultivation methods and introduced many new crops to Europe that included citrus fruits, cotton, sugarcane, dates, ginger, peaches, apricots and many more (Fletcher 63). The new crops introduced by Moors in Spain in a way altered and transformed the local cuisine and this had a profound influence on the culinary techniques and tastes in Europe. The Moorish Empire also influenced the fashion and dressing styles in Europe (Sordo & Swaan 145). The urban planning of the Moorish Empire readily excelled over that of any other European nation or city. The capital of Al Andalus that is Cordoba happened to be an important city of those times that had all the modern urban utilities like hospitals, street lights, public baths, mosques, libraries and running water (Fletcher 65). The Moors introduced to Europe a detailed and

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