Friday, September 13, 2019

Microsoft BSA Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Microsoft BSA - Assignment Example Moreover, most of the information leakage is due to the same reason, as a common hacker can attack to the vulnerability of weak password and break into your information (Green & Richard, 2011). The option of adopting the strong password policy set restricts the users to develop strong local account passwords. Therefore, after setting the strong password policy the user cannot develop simple, easy to crack, blank and / or the password that is the same as the username to avoid hacking and information leakage vulnerability (Green & Richard, 2011). The Malware attacks the digital information in multiple ways. The Malware gets downloaded with the product being downloaded and starts working slowly with the passage of time. Some of the Malware irritates by displaying diverse pop-ups, as the malicious pop-up program runs secretly in the downloaded product (SpamLaws, n.d). There are many types of Malware that include but not limited to the Adware, Bot, Bug, Ransomware, Rootkit, Spyware, Trojan Horse, Virus and Worm (Lord, 2011). There are several software applications that could be utilized in the computers to prevent the Malware including anti-virus and anti-adware. The Conficker is a computer worm that has ability to infect a computer and widen itself automatically (without human interaction) to the other computer over the computer network. The Conficker worm attacks the computer network services through the internet on diverse Microsoft’s operating systems including Windows 2000, XP and Windows Server 2008 etc. The Microsoft launches out-of-band patch in 2008 to avoid the Conficker attacks (Microsoft, 2013). The organizations could use the MBSA to detect the missing patches by utilizing the security information automatically received through the application of Conficker programs in the computer systems. Moreover, the Windows operating systems have ability to

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