Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Reflection of the Role and Responsibilities of the Teacher Essay

Roles and Responsibilities of a teacher are vital and must be learnt, as a general rule, to ensure quality of teaching. To embark on this journey it is essential to attain enough knowledge about the subject and gather the correct material for teaching. It is not only sufficient to hold good quality knowledge on the subject, but also have a presentable appearance. The teacher is responsible for student behaviour and classroom management, as well as to understand the capability of the learners. Therefore it is essential for teachers to assess the students level of understanding. As all students learn in different ways, there is the Honey and Mumford theory ‘learning styles’ (Honey, P. & Mumford, A. 1992), to assist teachers. By carrying out group work it will provide a good chance to get students working together as it facilitates the need for productive talk, (Edwards & Mercer, 1987). Here the ‘sociological’ learning style can be applied. By implementing this on the students it allows them to learn from each other and share ideas with one another. The students can also participate in exploratory talk (Mercer & Hodgkinson 2008) which allows them to teach each other and take ownership of their own ideas. This is very encouraging as it allows the students to indulge deeply on the knowledge they hold, when explaining to other individuals. Also with the help of the internet and modern technology there are many ways to get the students interactively involved with lessons. To allow them to work on their own, will be a better way of learning as they will be learning on their own terms. Here one other learning style has been applied, which is the ‘tactile’ style, this is where the student learns best when they are given the opportunity by doing something by themselves. On the other hand there is the auditory learning style whereby a learner benefits from simply listening, so if the lectures are well planned and class discussions are carried out it will benefit this type of learner. If the above was applied to the students they would stay engaged and involved with the teacher, which is important for effective learning. Also possessing a great amount of creativity when teaching and trying new ways of explaining areas of the subject will bring great outcomes to the students’ level of learning. As Wilson (2008), states on similar terms that ‘the oles are functions of a teacher, which are, planning and preparing for the class, developing interesting way to deliver the lesson, assessing the impact of learning and ensuring safe learning’. Therefore ensuring suitable accommodation facilities, which are available, in order to provide the desired learning setting. If the roles and responsibilities of a teacher are in good practice the tea cher will be in a position where she/he can be approached with comfort and ease by the student, not only to discuss about the subject but anything they wish to discuss. Again this brings great benefit allowing the teacher to understand the learner and to provide the correct resources. Moreover the safeguarding of children is taken very seriously and usually new teachers are supplied with key documents, which are required to be read and understood and complied with, for example if a teacher knows a child is being abused the teacher will have to know how to deal with the situation using the advice given and who to report it to. One other important part of being a teacher is knowing how well he/she is teaching, this can be achieved by assessing the students, and from these assessments changes for improvement can take place. When assessing through assignments or exams, it is highly important teachers provide positive feedback as it will always encourage the student to learn more. On concluding this, teaching should be delivered to the learner in a way that is informative, creative, interactive and responsive within a relaxed environment, to enable high learning performance from the learners. The teachers holds many roles and responsibilities, however, most importantly there are in search of constant ways of finding better ways of students to learn, by using different unique methods to allow the learner to achieve their best outcome, which will then make them accessible for contributing positively in society, or going onto higher education, and providing a better lifestyle for one self.

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