Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Summary of Thirteen Days by Robert Kennedy Essay

Summary of Thirteen Days by Robert Kennedy - Essay Example The Soviet Union was putting her nuclear missiles on the grounds of Cuba ready to strike the United States. Given the magnitude of the threat, President John F. Kennedy had no choice but to make a decisive decision on the issue to avoid the eminent danger that United States was in. Making a decision on such a grave matter was not easy. The president had to understand the consequences that that awaited any of his actions and the impact they would have not only on the United States, but also on the entire world. He therefore had to rely on the Committee of National Security Council for advice. The members of this committee were to argue, discuss, and even quarrel to eventually advice his on the best course of action to take concerning the crisis. Many a member of the committee rooted for the deployment of military to destroy the Soviet Union missiles in Cuba. Robert Kennedy, then the attorney general, was of the idea that the navy should be deployed around the Cuban island to block any offensive that the Soviet Union might employ against America. ... They perused through past similar crisis and their resolutions and the mistakes committed and how they could avoid repeating such mistakes. They did their best to understand the situation before any decision could be made by President Kennedy. They knew any decision taken would have a huge effect on humanity. Robert Kennedy vividly explains how decisions were arrived at during these momentous times and how those taken by the President himself and his advisors. It gives detailed information on the efforts of both Robert Kennedy and John Kennedy towards ensuring that any decision taken centered on diplomacy and law. This approach was done at the United Nations. ‘13 days’ also highlights how Robert Kennedy was powerful in the John F. Kennedy government and how he used his power to exert influence on other advisers of President Kennedy. In the book, there are correspondences between President Kennedy and the Soviet Union leader Nikita Krushnev and the speeches that President Kennedy gave concerning the Cuba nuclear crisis as well as photos of nuclear weapons that the Soviet Union had already brought to Cuba. The book further reveal that even the Soviet Union wanted a peaceful end to the Cuban crisis since they realized they too had families that would suffer because of employment of nuclear weapons between the two super powers. Any passionate lover of John F. Kennedy’s president would find this book captivating and inspiring to some extend as it gives the reader a rare opportunity to read and understand the mind of President Kennedy. The book outlines the historical lessons learnt from the crisis and how they can be avoided in the future, so as under no circumstances should there be any disregard for

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