Saturday, August 3, 2019

Pollution in History Essay -- Essays Papers

Pollution in History Since the beginning of human existence, pollution has been a problem rapidly increasing with the growth of the world’s population. Throughout history, it has been a major source of diseases and plagues such as the bubonic plague. Many steps have been taken to help solve the pollution problem, a problem that still hasn’t been completely solved. One of the earliest forms of pollution was a result of defecation. Bacteria from the human feces would pollute water supplies causing illness for prehistoric man. Other forms of pollution evolved as man evolved from hunter to farmer. Poor drainage on irrigated farmlands would raise the water level, polluting the fields with salts leaving the land unusable. Salinity is still "one of the most significant and certainly the most widespread forms of groundwater pollution". 1 With the birth of each pig, waste removal in medieval Europe increased. Pigs would eat the garbage thrown in the streets by the citizens, and what the pigs didn’t eat, the rain would wash away. Of course, this left the town smelling horrendous and the waste washed into the local water supply by the rain, contaminating the drinking water. Unfortunately, the garbage littering the ground created an ideal home for rats, which aided in their population growth. Fleas carrying bacteria spread disease to rats. Famine had struck Europe at this time setting up the perfect conditions for the spread of the bubonic plague. The unchecked plague is estimated to have killed one third of Europe’s population in two and a half years.2 The industrial revolution spawned a large increase in the population of cities. People emigrated from their country farms because of the promise of jobs in the cities. Howe... ...almost certain that the world will ever be without pollution. All that can be done is to minimize the amount of pollution in the world and try to keep it from getting out of control. However, with massive consumerism and population growth, this definitely no easy task. Notes: 1 Markham, Adam; A Brief History of Pollution. New York: St. Martins Press. 1994. 2 Markham 6. 3 Jenner, Mark; "Underground, Overground." Journal of Urban History Nov. 1997. 4 Markham, 24. 5 Markham, 21. 6 Bryson, Chris; "The Donora Fluoride Fog." Earth Island Journal Fall 1998. 7 Jenner, 2. 8 Markham, 61 Works Cited - Bryson, Chris; "The Donora Fluoride Fog." Earth Island Journal Fall 1998. - Jenner, Mark; "Underground, Overground." Journal of Urban History Nov. 1997. - Markham, Adam; A Brief History of Pollution. New York: St. Martins Press. 1994. Pollution in History Essay -- Essays Papers Pollution in History Since the beginning of human existence, pollution has been a problem rapidly increasing with the growth of the world’s population. Throughout history, it has been a major source of diseases and plagues such as the bubonic plague. Many steps have been taken to help solve the pollution problem, a problem that still hasn’t been completely solved. One of the earliest forms of pollution was a result of defecation. Bacteria from the human feces would pollute water supplies causing illness for prehistoric man. Other forms of pollution evolved as man evolved from hunter to farmer. Poor drainage on irrigated farmlands would raise the water level, polluting the fields with salts leaving the land unusable. Salinity is still "one of the most significant and certainly the most widespread forms of groundwater pollution". 1 With the birth of each pig, waste removal in medieval Europe increased. Pigs would eat the garbage thrown in the streets by the citizens, and what the pigs didn’t eat, the rain would wash away. Of course, this left the town smelling horrendous and the waste washed into the local water supply by the rain, contaminating the drinking water. Unfortunately, the garbage littering the ground created an ideal home for rats, which aided in their population growth. Fleas carrying bacteria spread disease to rats. Famine had struck Europe at this time setting up the perfect conditions for the spread of the bubonic plague. The unchecked plague is estimated to have killed one third of Europe’s population in two and a half years.2 The industrial revolution spawned a large increase in the population of cities. People emigrated from their country farms because of the promise of jobs in the cities. Howe... ...almost certain that the world will ever be without pollution. All that can be done is to minimize the amount of pollution in the world and try to keep it from getting out of control. However, with massive consumerism and population growth, this definitely no easy task. Notes: 1 Markham, Adam; A Brief History of Pollution. New York: St. Martins Press. 1994. 2 Markham 6. 3 Jenner, Mark; "Underground, Overground." Journal of Urban History Nov. 1997. 4 Markham, 24. 5 Markham, 21. 6 Bryson, Chris; "The Donora Fluoride Fog." Earth Island Journal Fall 1998. 7 Jenner, 2. 8 Markham, 61 Works Cited - Bryson, Chris; "The Donora Fluoride Fog." Earth Island Journal Fall 1998. - Jenner, Mark; "Underground, Overground." Journal of Urban History Nov. 1997. - Markham, Adam; A Brief History of Pollution. New York: St. Martins Press. 1994.

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