Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Organisational Change Management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Organisational Change Management - Case Study Example The organization is also likely to face stiff competition from its competitors in the market some of who may be so aggressive thus the need to encourage innovativeness as a way to realizing the much needed change as some consider rebranding with the sole aim in mind. Effectiveness is of the essence owing to its ability to better place the organization far beyond its competitors. In order to attain high projections it’s wise to be more conversant on how the market may be faring at any one time and could be facilitated when a good feedback system is adopted (Berger, Sikora & Berger, 1994). In order to bring about change, change ought to begin at an individual level before it can be marketed. Staffs are thus expected to embrace a good attitude while going about their duties. This is due to its ability to increase productivity as most staffs are more motivated when this is achieved. A number of considerations are thus looked at both at internal and external levels due to their sig nificance to this process. Such factors are able to affect the entire process in both direct and indirect way. In order to achieve much one ought to use his skills and knowledge appropriately while implementing change in line with upgrading current systems to match up with the changing world as (Managing Change, 2003). While championing change one is likely to realize that this if well managed could be used as an effective tool thus making it possible to overcome existing barriers which in a more efficient way. Factors triggering the need for Change   Change management is a transformation process championed in an organization while striving at maintaining its relevancy in the industry. It could be adopted while trying to solve noted problem or rather trying to take advantage of an opportunity in a more ambitious way before other players capitalize on it. A number of common features are stated below and could give us a clue on what may cause it. 1. A new system is likely to be acqu ired by the organization and thus could be working on modalities geared at its implementation (Nickols, 2000). Factors leading to such change could be externally or internally derived. 2. In some situations organizations may be forced to adhere to change owing to a change in legislation based on the laws of certain countries, social issues as well as competition (Nickols, 2000). During such events rarely does it have a say regarding such issues. How does Change Management work several procedures are followed while going about the change process. At the top of the list change trigger are noted and good strategies initiated till the entire process is implemented as illustrated; Figure 1: The Change Management Model (L. A. Berger et al., 1994) Change Management Value A lot can be derived from this process basically because it motivates them towards realizing the much needed change while limiting barriers in existence at the organizational environment level. It is thus important to reco gnize the present need for change before taking any meaningful step to actualizing anything. When such problems are handled well organizations are more likely to derive much from such situation and could be because they could present an opportunity to them (Nickols, 2000). Table 1  - Examples of Change Management   Barriers/Drivers Example Motivation  - lack of value or confidence; don't care or understand the benefits Motivation

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