Friday, August 23, 2019

Casual Argument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Casual Argument - Essay Example t this point that the act of US in going to war and continuing the war has been act of self-defense and preventing more terrorist attacks in its homeland, hence it can be stated that continuing the war and eventually ending it successfully is a strategic US move that is aimed in making the American life safer. To say that one will be safer is to be assured that there will be less peace disturbance than expected within a given time frame. Since a time frame may be divided into short term and long term, this paper asserts that in the short term, while US will have to address the short-run reactions of its enemy, especially the effects on a considerable of Muslim community who may see martyrdom in the hanging of Sadam Hussien. Dickey and Barry talked of the feeling a little safer for US, at least for a short time, when the world has witnessed the putting to death of Sadam Hussein of Iraq but they seem now to paint a different picture by their reports of not seeing many American flags in Iraq, except on soldiers uniforms due to the U.S. commanders’ decision that the American insignias might offend local sensibilities of the Iraqis. They even cited a mob in the dusty Iraqi town of Fallujah displaying a new and shocking image to bear in mind the war by the slaughter of four American civilian security men, by burning them, butchering them, dragging them through the streets, and then eventually hanging pieces of them from power lines and the girders of a bridge.1 In dramatizing the effects of the war, the same authors described the incident as simply gruesome as they convey the message of â€Å"inhuman brutality of a worldwide terrorist campaign that seems to be spreading.†2 Given also the report s that U.S. soldiers are being attacked, with at least one dying every day; it would only mean in the short term, that a less than safer scenario for the US might be expected. It does not take too much time however to allow things to normalize in Iraq. Since the US has

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