Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Importance Of Logic And Language

The Importance Of Logic And Language Language is defined as anybody which can be written, spoken shown or otherwise communicated between people. It is method of human communication, either spoken or written, consisting of the use of words in a structured and conventional way. Language is the most complex form of communication. Language problems are extremely complex, perhaps comparable with the complexities of human life itself. The importance of language is essential to every aspect and interaction in our everyday lives. We use language to inform the people around us of what we feel, what we desire, and question or understand the world around us. We communicate effectively with our words, gestures, and tone of voice in a multitude of situation. Would you talk to a small child with the same words you would in a business meeting. Being able to communicate with each other, form bonds, teamwork, and its what separates humans from other animal species. Communication drives our lives and better ourselves. The importance of l anguage is beneficial regardless if you do it for fun or for your career or even just for personal travel. It is obvious that learning languages contributes to mutual understanding, a sense of global citizenship and personal commitment. The significance of language in our lives is incomparable. It is not just restrained to being a means of communicating ones thoughts and ideas to the rest, but has also become a tool for forging friendships, cultural ties as well as economic relationships. Throughout history, learned men have reflected on the importance of language in our lives. Scholar Benjamin Whorf has noted that language shapes our thoughts and emotions and determines our perception of reality, whereas John Stuart Mill has referred language to be the light of the mind. For linguist Edward Sapir, language is not just a vehicle for carrying out expressions of thoughts, perceptions, sentiments, and values characteristic of a community, but is a representation of a fundamental expression of social identity. He also believes that language helps in maintaining the feelings of cultural kinship. The significance of language in our day-to-day living include: Language aids in developing and grooming ones personality as a whole. Since learning a language is part of our knowledge, it becomes one of the key factors in competitiveness. In the advanced industrial society of today, the basic knowledge of a single or more language has become indispensable. With the advent of the concept of globalization, people all over the globe communicate with each other and exchange ideas. Though technological advances have served as a medium for communication, you cannot deny the role played by language. Understanding of a common language has helped people to communicate, despite being from varied parts of the world. Language has become a major tool of communication between countries, cultural groups, various companies and organizations, communities and friends. Language is one of the key factors of our human developmental process, which sets us apart from the rest of the animal kingdom and knits a strong feeling of kinship amongst us. A baby is born without language, but even without formal training, by the age of five, the child knows several hundred words and grammar of a particular language. This is an inherent human tendency, which is extremely important for further growth. Any discrepancy seen in learning a language at such early stage might indicate certain illness in a child. In the developmental trajectory of a child, language plays an important role since it is connected with various aspects of a childs growth. Learning a language is directly related to emotional development. For instance, a baby gazing at his parents face is responded by cooing and few words of love by his parents. This retains in the babys mind and when he is a little older, he begins using language to express his emotions as well. Language is also connected to the moral development in a child. The process begins when the child is about 18 months old. The child learns the right and wrong by listening to what his parents or other adult authorities tell him. Imagine teaching the child the difference of right or wrong without the tool of language! Learning a language within the first five years of ones life is important. It is one of the best predictors of a childs later performance in school. A child who has significant speech or language delays has a high likelihood of eventually having trouble with reading, which may continue throughout school. IMPORTANCE OF LOGIC IN HUMAN AFFAIRS Logic is the study of the principles and methods of reasoning. Logic is generally based on deduction which is a method of exact inference. It is a study of correct reasoning that consist of language and reasoning. It explores how we distinguish between good (or sound) reasoning and bad (or unsound) reasoning. An instance of reasoning is called an argument or an inference. An argument consists of a set of statements called premises together with a statement called the conclusion, which is supposed to be supported by or derived from the premises. A good argument provides support for its conclusion, and a bad argument does not. Two basic types of reasoning are called deductive and inductive. A good deductive argument is said to be validthat is, the conclusion necessarily follows from the premises. A deductive argument whose conclusion does not follow necessarily from the premises is said to be invalid. The argument All human beings are mortal, all Greeks are human beings, therefore all Greeks are mortal is a valid deductive argument. But the argument All human beings are mortal, all Greeks are mortal, therefore all Greeks are human beings is invalid, even though the conclusion is true. On that line of reasoning, one could argue that all dogs, which are also mortal, are human beings. Misunderstandings commence from the heart of people who are not adept in expressing their needs and desires in a discreet and precise manner which sooner or later result to a more devastating damage like chaos and wars between confederations. Crimes like illegal and immoral acts are committed because of the endless sufferings of one whose needs are not adequately comprehended due to his poor ability of expressing himself. Major and minor dilemmas between friends, family members and other relationships are the aftermaths of ignorance in the appropriate and proper usage of language. These few and many more problems which we are facing today usually root from a distinct cause which is the lack of comprehension which could have been solved before it commenced if only the humanity learns how to study the structure of arguments and ascertain its validity and truthfulness. Indeed, the study Logic is a very vital necessity which could lead to a more vivid, harmonious and progressive future. These are some of the numerous good reasons why it is helpful to study of this subject. Logic learning can allow you to improve the quality of the arguments that you create. When you make rational disputes, you are apt to convince other people to agree with your claims. And people are much less likely to believe that you have a valid point by giving them accurate and logical justifications. The learning process will also give you the ability to evaluate the arguments of others. When you know how to understand arguments the way they are supposed to be constructed and the way they shouldnt be constructed, you will find all kinds of bad arguments out there that could weaken your opponents conclusion most especially during debates. As you argue with each other you will be able to determine the fallacies which were asserted because you will be able to critically scrutinize the rationality and authenticity of your opponents dispute. Another important aspect of Logic is Philosophical Logic and Reasoning and the importance of this in our lives include: This is essential in General Problem Solving: It helps us to analyze concepts, definitions, arguments and problems, and contributes to our capacity to organize ideas and issues to deal with questions of value. Communication Skills: Here our skills will be enhanced as we are able to present ideas through well-constructed systematic and reasoned arguments. Persuasive Powers: We will learn to build and defend our own views, to appreciate competing positions, and to indicate forcefully why we consider our own views preferable to alternatives. Writing Skills: Philosophical Logic and Reasoning teaches us interpretive writing through its examination of challenging texts, comparative writings through emphasis on fairness to alternative positions, argumentative writing through detailed portrayal of concrete examples and others. These are very important reasons why logic and reasoning matter in human affairs. They can be applied in the trained academic person life, or to the normal individual who has a desire to analyze the issues facing him/her before making a final crucial decision. Logic and Reasoning are important in career training and development on the job. In management, administration, law, finance, engineering, physics, chemistry, archeology, history and other disciplines, logic and reasoning are essential. We will be able to broaden the range of things we know and understand, be able to receive self-knowledge, foresight and a sense of direction in human affairs. We can accomplish self-discovery, expansion of consciousness, and self renewal. Therefore, when we are faced with a routine daily situation or a very difficult problem or issue to resolve, logic and reasoning are important to remember and be applied for the best or most desired results. Logic is important because it influences every decision we make in our lives. Logical thinking allows us to learn and make decisions that will affect our lifestyle. If no one thought logically, we would all be running around like chickens with our heads cut off, and nothing would make any sense. CONCLUSION Language is obviously a vital tool. Not only is it a means of communicating thoughts and ideas, but it forges friendships, cultural ties, and economic relationships. Language, of course, is knowledge, and in our world today knowledge is one of the key factors in competitiveness. Brains and knowledge are what create the prosperity and growth we tend to take for granted. In an advanced industrial society in an increasingly interdependent world, the knowledge of other languages becomes indispensable. Just think of how the advent of the Internet has changed our lives. For the last few years, millions of people across the world, who share common interests, are able to communicate with each other and exchange ideas. Not only are they able to do this due to the various technological advances, but also because they share a common language. The ability to think logically is of immense practical importance in our daily lives. Day after day, from moment to moment, we are busy interpreting available evidence and making predictions on what will happen next. When I walk along the sidewalk, it is my interpretation of the available evidence that leads me to the conclusion that it will be safe to put a foot forward for the next step. The moment conditions change (for example, if I hear a gunshot) I may have to reinterpret, and may then conclude that it is no longer safe to put a foot forward for a next step. Generally, logic is important in human affairs because It helps us to distinguish good argument from bad ones. It makes our thinking clear accurate. It strengthens our intellectual skills. It advances our quest for knowledge and understanding whatever is our field of interest. It enlarges our capacity to formulates argument analyse them critically.

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