Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Communication Barrier Essay Example for Free

Communication Barrier Essay Communication is defined as an exchange of information. It involved the transmission of ideas and thoughts. To communicate means that you share with others your concepts, your thoughts and ideas. Most of our time is spent in this mutual relationship by either speaking or listening. This ability to communicate is what makes man the unique creature that he is, with the ability to control and dominate, to build and maintain. Communications is a big thing in America. It is said to be our most vital and largest industry. We are awed by mans methods of communication. We find them complete in oral, written or visualized form. In spite of this, communication is a big problem in our lives. Because of human nature, certain barriers exist making the communication process either ineffective or impossible. At times we just do not get through to people. This often results in misunderstanding. Many splits in congregations are due to the communications problem. Brethren have trouble talking to each other, they become estranged and some become enemies. Much of this can be eliminated if we understand some of the barriers to our communication. In the discussion that follows, the principal barriers to communicating effectively in todays working environment are identified, and proven techniques for coping with them are considered. The principal barriers to effective communication are: noise, poor feedback, selection of inappropriate media, a wrong mental attitude, insufficient or lack of attention to work selection, delay in message transmittal, physical separation of the sender and receiver, and lack of empathy or a good relationship between the sender and receiver. Lets now give four examples of communication barriers and the solution of each one as well. There are many communication barriers that come up during the communication process. First, there are physical distractions that interfere with the effectiveness of a communication attempt. For example, I work at a hardware store and I would be mixing paint for customer while another customer comes up to me and asks where something is located in the store. For this case, it can be many ways. You can ask someone else to attend to the customer, yet still be able to accomplish your job without losing the customer. If the first customer not around, you should attend to the other customer first and go back to your job. Second, we live in a verbal environment. Words constitute the most frequently used tool for communicating. Words usually facilitate communication; however, their careless, improper use in a given situation can create a communication barrier. Arthur Kudner, an advertising executive, once told his son: All big things have little names such as life and death, peace and war, or dawn, day, night, hope, love, and home. Learn to use little words in a big way. It is hard to do, but they say what you mean. When you dont know what you mean use big words; they often fool little people. The words we use should be selected carefully. Dr. Rudolph Flesch, a specialist in words and communication, suggests a way to break through the word barrier: use familiar words in place of the unfamiliar, use concrete words in place of the abstract, use short words in place of long and use single words in place of several. Unfortunately, almost every commonly used word has more than one meaning. Also words have regional meanings or derive new meanings as a result of the development of new industries or fields. The meaning conveyed by the senders words depends upon the experience and attitude of the receiver. Therefore, one way to penetrate the word barrier is for the sender to strive to speak or write in terms of the receivers experience and attitude. The better able he is to do this, the more successful the communication will be. Dr. S. E. Hayakawa, a U.S. Senator from California, expressed it very well when he said, The meanings of words are not in the words; they are in us. Third, the ability to empathize with someone else may not be easy. If you are to see things from anothers viewpoint, you have to put aside your own prejudices and preconceptions. The receiver may be of a different race,  creed, educational background, from a different section of the country, or have a different specialty or rank within the organization. Under these circumstances, the task of empathizing with the other member of the communication link is difficult. The task is further complicated if you believe that understanding anothers viewpoint may pose a threat to your own. To better communicate, we must try to see ourselves through the eyes of others in the communication link. By developing some empathy with the people to whom we will be directing messages, we might recognize the need to modify our messages from time to time before sending them. We should use easy word when we communicate with other people, let everyone understand easily. Not to ward, no technician word that people around the word will be able to follow. The last one, as manager, many communication barriers will turn out as well. Generally, managers make more frequent use of oral, rather than written, communication. However, the media one selects for communication in a particular situation should correlate with the feedback requirements. A communication failure or partial failure could occur if the media you select for transmittal of a message is inappropriate and necessary feedback is not received. Most simple messages can be transmitted orally either in a face-to-face discussion, formal briefing, or meeting of the staff. More complex messages should be written in a directive, instruction, memorandum, or report. Very complex messages should be transmitted in both oral and written form. Repetition and review of an oral communication in written form can be a facilitating device. So the personal qualities of the manager should be a consideration in the selection. As manager, you should recognize your strengths and limitations. You should evaluate your successes and failures in communication and plan to use the media that best fits your style and qualities. From the above communication barriers and each of solution, we can observe that in todays world, no matter what the communication barrier is, there is always to the solution over the barrier. It is just a matter of different  approach within you means and ability to execute the solution without losing any clients.

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