Tuesday, December 24, 2019

An Analysis Of Cathedral By Raymond Carver - 1441 Words

Cathedral Research Paper The short story â€Å"Cathedral†, by Raymond Carver, is a thought provoking piece that focuses on the transition a man goes through to see the world with his soul. The story gives hope that people can change if given the chance to be better people. Over the course of the story, Carver uses both diction and description to explore themes in religion and morality. â€Å"Cathedral† depicts a husband and a wife as they prepare and entertain a friend of the wife. The husband, the narrator, is not excited about the friend coming because he is blind. The blind man and the wife have been friends for longer than the husband has known the wife creating a complex and slightly jealous dynamic between the three characters. For the†¦show more content†¦By accepting and ingesting the Eucharist Catholics are promising to live as persons of Jesus and love everyone. This description demonstrates the irony present because the narrator does not live as a person of Jesus and does not love the blind man for who he is. Just like the bread is transformed in mass however, the main character’s heart is transformed by the end of the story. The use of diction also aids in the exploration of the religious theme. Carver’s choice to use the word cathedral is a religious word that connects the two men. As discussed in his article High Visibility, author Peter Middleton discusses the importance of the story using a cathedral to draw the two men closer to one another. He states that â€Å"†¦ [the cathedral] is not there simply to be see,† meaning that there is more to the cathedral than just what is seen. In Catholicism, cathedrals are very ornate places of worship, yet the beauty of the building is not what is most important. The functional use of a cathedral is to bring people together through prayer and worship. Similarly, the cathedral on the television in the story brings the two men together and breaks down the barriers between them. Only the narrator is able to see and appreciate the beauty of the cathedral but both men are able to gain an understanding and appreciation of each other by drawing the c athedral. Another theme in â€Å"Cathedral† is morality. InShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Cathedral By Raymond Carver Essay830 Words   |  4 PagesMistakable Judgments An Analysis of â€Å"Cathedral† Raymond Carver wrote a long-lived short story name â€Å"Cathedral†. Where a divorced women remarried after a hard experience to a person who is struggling to accept his wife’s very long relationship with a blind man. Her new husband suspiciousness controls his emotions and draw his thoughts falsely. As her very old friendship was having an unfortunate event that his wife had passed away, he arranged with her a visit to their house, which concerned herRead MoreAnalysis Of Raymond Carver s Cathedral1696 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction: Everyone has ghosts in their closets; something they are running from, or trying to bury alive. Cathedral, written by Raymond Carver, takes place in the early 1980’s. Originally published in The Atlantic Monthly in 1981. Carver slightly revised the story and re-released it in 1983. At a time when the blue collar working class lived paycheck to paycheck, working hard for newfound luxuries such as color television, this short story is humorous and eye-opening for the reader. For adultsRead MoreRaymond Carver Cathedral Analysis1231 Words   |  5 PagesIn Raymond Carver’s â€Å"Cathedral†, it tells the story of a man whose wife one summer, worked for a blind man. The blind man and the husband’s wife, kept in touch throughout the years by sending cassettes back and forth in the mail. The blind man’s wife recently died and the husband’s wife invites him to say in her home, but her husband is displeased by this request. In the beginning of the story, the husband is very rude to the blind man and finds amusement by making fun of the blind man’s disabilityRead MoreCathedral Raymond Carver Analysis1212 Words   |  5 PagesIn â€Å"Cathedral,† Carver’s use of visualization and climactic change of character emphasizes the theme that looking and seeing are two very different things. When Raymond Carver had his wife’s blind friend, Robert, join them for a few days, he should’ve been more understanding and empathetic with Robert’s blindness instead of just avoiding it or brushing it off as if it’s not there. Carver did very well in changing his ways and learning to accept and understand Robert. Carver also did a good job ofRead MoreAnalysis Of Raymond Carver s Cathedral 1648 Words   |  7 Pages Cathedral is a capitivating story based on the lives of the narrator, his wife and a blind man. Raymond Carver is the author of this story, and he does an excellent job allowing the reader to delve into the lives of these characters. Through using the thoughts of the narrator, the reader is able to grab our attention because the story is made more realistic. The views expressed by the narrator in many senses exemplify the views of many in society and therefore the reader is able to make an emotionalRead MoreAnalysis Of `` Cathedral `` By Raymond Carver920 Words   |  4 PagesRaymond Carver’s unnamed narrator in â€Å"Cathedral† provides a first-person point of view. This perspective opens a clear window into the feelings, attitudes, and the isolation of the unnamed narrator. The narrator’s tone of voice reveals his feelings and personality. This contributes to the story’s themes because the reader comes to understand things that the narrator never dir ectly or deliberately reveals; as a result, the reader comes to empathize with the narrator more deeply. Isolation and lonelinessRead MoreAnalysis Of Raymond Carver Cathedral1260 Words   |  6 PagesRaymond Carver is often known for his writing style known as minimalism, a style that often uses short phrases or sentences that convey a great amount of meaning. Carver’s â€Å"Cathedral† is full of minimalism, whether it be short and repetitive dialogue or brief thoughts that go through the narrators mind. These intentionally precise sentences are full of meaning, whether it be the importance of communication, or the lack of, the underlying tones of death and jealously, or even the psychological connectionRead MoreAnalysis Of Cathedral By Raymond Carver1541 Words   |  7 PagesA New Perspective Everyone at one point has judged a book by its cover. In the short story, â€Å"Cathedral†, Raymond Carver creates a narrator who bases off ideas and assumptions about blind people from movies. The narrator has never interacted with a blind person before the day where his wife invites her friend, who is named Robert, to stay. The narrator and Robert have never met, but the narrator has a strong dislike towards Robert before meeting. The narrator’s closed-mindedness and misconceptionsRead MoreRaymond Carver Cathedral Analysis985 Words   |  4 Pages In Raymond Carver’s story, â€Å"Cathedral,† we meet the nameless protagonist who is about to meet an old friend of his wife’s. The friend’s name is Robert and he is blind. In the beginning of the story, the narrator is uncomfortable with the idea of having someone with a disability, like Robert’s, in his home. He makes judgments about Robert and assumes that he is going to be like the b lind people he has seen in the movies. We also learn the background information about how hife wife and Robert metRead MoreCathedral By Raymond Carver Analysis1631 Words   |  7 Pages Cathedral is a short story written by American writer and poet Raymond Carver. (2017) The story was first published in The Atlantic Monthly in 1981 and appeared in The Americas Best Short Stories in 1982. (2012) In the short story cathedral, the narrator’s wife’s blind friend is coming to visit. The narrator isn’t thrilled about his wife’s blind friend coming to visit nor is he happy that the man is blind. Later in the evening the narrator experiences a life changing realization of the true meaning

Monday, December 16, 2019

Celeb Reputation Free Essays

In today’s society, celebrities are seen regularly on the front covers of newspapers, magazines, and on television shows. As a prominence in the public the celebrities must understand what a crucial part they play on kids and young adult’s life. It is their responsibility to make sure they are a pleasing choice for parents to be seen as a role model for their kids. We will write a custom essay sample on Celeb Reputation or any similar topic only for you Order Now I strongly believe celebrities should be obliged enough to be an admirable choice of a role model because, kids spend most of their time on television and internet to follow them. If the celebrities live a wild life their reputation in the public’s mind will be poor, and the celebrities will be viewed as a horrible choice of role models for the youngsters. In addition, it’s important to be a good role model because young kids are easily tempted, and if they find their most favorite person smoking they too will want to spoke. First of all, with information about a celebrity within kid’s fingertip, youngster is most likely to follow them rather than view either their friends or parents as role models. More than half of the celebrities in this world live a wild life to receive attention and popularity from the media. Apart from that, youngster tends to follow fashion from their favorite model. That means the kids tends to believe they have to be thin, blonde and wear the latest designer clothes in order to maintain their coolness in public. Some may say that there are other celebrities who do important things in society to educate others well of what is wrong and right. However, when the society looks at the superstars they are in all likelihood to picture the information the media have presented. This means that public picture more Disney stars who are supposed to be good kids turning bad and awful. Celebrities like Britney Spears who was caught on tape wrecking a car because of reasons that could have been solved peacefully are horrible influences on kids. When others are trying hard to teach youngsters on not using violence to solve problems, kids who see their favorite superstar doing the exact opposite may cause the kids to believe those things are acceptable, but they are not. Apart from that, celebrities live in a glass window. People judge them for their actions, so it is really important for them to make sure they think more than twice before they act. Since actions speak louder than words, it is important for them to choose wisely about the things they wear and the things they talk because youngster are watching them and following their footsteps minute by minute. It is true that in one way they shape up our society, and that is exactly why celebrities should try their best to have a good reputation in public. People appreciate other who does well this for the society, and not people who cause more problems for others. If the celebrities start to help the society, the public will be more than happy to accept them as heroes or role models for the young ones. However, we live in a society where most celebrities aren’t good role models. They do anything to receive attention from the media and public even if it’s for something bad and inappropriate. Some may argue that the celebrities are just living their life to the fullest, and there is nothing wrong with it. I do agree that there is nothing wrong with living a good wild life, but it shouldn’t be when there people around you who adores and worships you because you’re a famous person. If the celebrities did really want to live a wild life they shouldn’t have become famous after all. Also, celebrities aren’t exactly the right kind of role models because they pressure kids to turn the wrong way. Whenever the celebrities drink and drive, smoke pot, use drugs or talk inappropriate they don’t understand what exactly they are doing or whom exactly they are influencing. Research shows that kids who started smoking at young age got brainwashed into believing smoking was glamorous from their favorite actor or actress or someone they looked up to. Celebrities should be responsible enough to make the right choices in public, meaning they should learn how to apologize if they do something wrong. Kids these days have access into watching vulgar music videos filled with unacceptable scenes of their favorite actress smoking pot and drinking are not to be seen my young kids. Kids don’t know what exactly the right kind of a good role model is. Whenever someone asks them to be like their role model they picture a celebrity drinking, smoking, and doing all the bad things possible. That’s why most celebrities aren’t good role models because of the life they live. On the whole, most of the superstars in our society aren’t good example for the youngsters. They don’t believe they need to set an example for other. However the truth is they need to because people are always following them. These days wherever we look on billboard, magazines, websites, newspaper, and television shows all we see are scandals of celebrities and their weak point. The media have made them into a really horrible choice of an example to the young ones. They have exposed themselves in a wrong way to the public eye to become a subject people won’t be happy to talk about. In brief, celebrities aren’t good role models because they influence youngster in the wrong way to dress inappropriately, use drugs and start smoking. This cause the celebrities to have a bad reputation in public causing parents to be not happy about having their kids look up to the celebrities. How to cite Celeb Reputation, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Tao Te Ching free essay sample

The authors of these two documents had almost completely opposite ideas of how a ruler should behave and how a government should be run. One believed that the ruler could accomplish the most by doing the least; the other believed that by controlling how the public perceived a ruler was what would make him a success or a failure. Machiavelli believed that to rule the prince must do things that would win approval with his people, and that the prince must always keep and maintain arms to remain in power. On the other hand Lao-tzu believed that the master ruled with as little involvement as possible, he believed that to â€Å"not do† would have the greatest effect, and that to use arms as only a last resort. With just these two examples it becomes clear how different the authors viewed leadership and government. Throughout Lao-tzu’s Tao-te Ching are examples that show he feels that a master should rule by doing as little as possible to persuade people to do what is right. We will write a custom essay sample on Tao Te Ching or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He believes that when a master rules.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Operations free essay sample

Allow me to start by saying The Goal was truly an enjoyable experience in learning the fundamental concepts of operations management. This was a non-traditional and fun way to gain knowledge. I would have never imagined learning such operational principles in an entertaining manner. Bravo Professor Souvenirs for instituting education in creative and informative way. Now, on to the questions at hand 1 . Give me the definitions of throughput, inventory and operational expense given in The Goal. How do they compare with the traditional definitions?Do you find them useful, and why? In the goal Throughput is the rate at which the system generates money through sales. Inventory is all the money that the system has invested in purchasing things which it intends to sell. And Operational expense is all the money the system spends in order to turn inventory into throughput (sales). The key takeaway is looking at theses 3 measures as components of sales (end goal), not production Which is the traditional definition. We will write a custom essay sample on Operations or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It begs the question, what good is it to produce meeting and not sell it? The goal is not to merely produce but to make money. The Goals cements the idea by making a case for managers to focus on the end goal (making money) common sense can be applied to operational management. 2. Give me the definition of a bottleneck operation. Develop your own simple example to demonstrate It to me. Describe two or three different ways to discover the bottleneck of a process. In The Goal, Joana explains a Bottleneck, Is any resource whose capacity Is equal to r less than the demand placed on It.Simply put A bottleneck Is congestion at any given point In a flow process. The Idea Is to reduce congestion by balancing the flow. Ideally the flow process should be a little less than the market demand In order to eliminate a bottleneck. When plants keep flow equal to demand If the demand goes up the bottleneck ensues, If demand goes down plant loses money. The science Is not managing the capacity but balancing the flow. 3. Draw a top-level process flow diagram for Ales factory.You may wish to first focus on the NC-II and then aggregate the rest of the machines Into three categories of process steps: those that precede the NC-II, those that follow the NC-II, and those that neither precede nor follow the NC-II. Rough cut diagrams are fine with Very Rough Cut Process Flow Diagram.. . Operations By homophobia to demonstrate it to me. Describe two or three different ways to discover the In The Goal, Joana explains a Bottleneck, is any resource whose capacity is equal to r less than the demand placed on it.Simply put A bottleneck is congestion at any given point in a flow process. The idea is to reduce congestion by balancing the flow. Ideally the flow process should be a little less than the market demand in order to eliminate a bottleneck. When plants keep flow equal to demand if the demand goes up the bottleneck ensues, if demand goes down plant loses money. Operations free essay sample Operations managers are responsible for assessing consumer wants and needs and selling and promoting the organizations goods or services. True  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  False 2. Often, the collective success or failure of companies operations functions will impact the ability of a nation to compete with other nations. True  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  False 3. Companies are either producing goods or delivering services. This means that only one of the two types of operations management strategies are used. True  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  False 4. Operations, marketing, and finance function independently of each other in most organizations. True  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  False 5. The greater the degree of customer involvement, the more challenging the design and management of operations. True  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  False 6. Goods producing organizations are not involved in service activities. True  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  False 7. Service operations require additional inventory because of the unpredictability of consumer demand. True  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  False 8. The value of outputs is measured by the prices customers are willing to pay for goods or services. True  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  False 9. The use of models will guarantee the best possible decisions. We will write a custom essay sample on Operations or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Most people encounter operations only in profit-making organizations. True  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  False 20. Service involves a much higher degree of customer contact than manufacturing. True  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  False 21. A systems approach emphasizes interrelationships among subsystems, but its main theme is that the whole is greater than the sum of its individual parts. True  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  False 22. The Pareto phenomenon is one of the most important and pervasive concepts that can be applied at all levels of management. True  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  False 23. Operations managers, who usually use quantitative approaches, are not really concerned with ethical decision-making. True  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  False 24. The optimal solutions produced by quantitative techniques should always be evaluated in terms of the larger framework. True  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  False 25. Managers should most often rely on quantitative techniques for important decisions since quantitative approaches result in more accurate decisions. True  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  False 26. Many operations management decisions can be described as tradeoffs. True  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  False 27. A systems approach means that we concentrate on efficiency within a subsystem and thereby assure overall efficiency. True  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  False 28. Prior to the Industrial Revolution, goods were produced primarily by craftsmen or their apprentices using custom made parts. True  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  False 29. Elton Mayos Hawthorne Experiment was the focal point of the Human Relations Movement, which emphasized the importance of the human element in job design. True  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  False 30. Among Fords many contributions was the introduction of mass production, using the concept of interchangeable parts and division of labor. True  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  False 31. Operations management and marketing are the two functional areas that exist to support activities in other functions such as accounting, finance, IT and human resources.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Handling The Problems Of Teenage Pregnancy Social Work Essay Example

Handling The Problems Of Teenage Pregnancy Social Work Essay Example Handling The Problems Of Teenage Pregnancy Social Work Essay Handling The Problems Of Teenage Pregnancy Social Work Essay confronting the menace of societal norms, fiscal job, parental manner, end up of instruction, etc. It seems that there is neer a good pick. In this assisting procedure, it may conflict with my ain involvement and personal value and I afraid that would act upon the client s self-determination ability. I feel confident with my professional of non-judgmental , but speaking about supplying the options, it is difficult for my penchant of anti-abortion. My female parent is a Christian and her Christian value of opposing abortion has a great affect on me. From a Christian position, deliberate abortion, unless the female parent s life is in danger, is slaying. I agree with the thought that this is sort of killing the most defenceless livin existences by taking away their most basic right to populate, without their permission. So this is besides the ground why in some states, abortion is illegal. The babe is guiltless. It is a calamity that one have no right to find to populate or non. I regard the babe as human life though some people say it is merely an unwanted tissue . Besides, adolescent abortion patients are more likely to come up with physical hazards. Because their organic structures are non yet to the full developed and can non bring forth pathogens, which are found in the cervical mucous secretion of older adult females and protect them from infection. These adolescents are besides twice every bit likely to see cervical lace rations and higher hazard for post-abortion infections such as pelvic inflammatory disease and endometritis. Scared by above information, I was clear that my personal involvement is an obstruction to me of giving the unwed female parent the pick of abortion. On the other manus, continue the gestation, the major concern is raising up the babe. If the babe could non born in a complete household, or the parent were loath to accept his/her, it may do a negative consequence on the babe s whole life. It is non his pick to come to this universe, but he have to bear all these. I truly believe in the household of beginning s womb-to-tomb affect on the babe. Social scientists have found that the kids turning up in individual parent households are disadvantaged in many facets comparing to a two-biological-parent households. Surveies shows that these kids are more potentially to hold aberrant behaviours such as become low acadamic accomplishment, drug maltreatment, fall in a pack, ect. Many of these jobs are related to the hapless economic status and parenting manner. To be honest, none of us want to born in a individual parent household. The kid may instead his female parent did non give birth to him, but he have no pick. I worry that my quandary of these instances would impact these sensitive teenage as they are truly vulnerable under such status. In the hereafter work, I realize there is no manner to get away from all this sort of issue. I have no pick but find out a applicable manner to cover with it. How do societal worker handle teenage gestation After making literature reappraisal, I found the central values of societal work give me an effectual support to manage these crisis. The Code of Ethics point out that all human existences merit entree to the resources they need to cover with life s jobs and to develop their full potency . As a societal worker, we must believe that the client have the ability to do the preferred determination. Keep impersonal and heighten their problem-solving and decision-making capacity in order to avoid struggle between our personal beliefs with the client s value. Tough determination to do Using empathy to this sort of instances, we should acknowledge their emotional reactions. If we can non stand in their places, it is impossible to assist them to assist themselves. During this period, their emotion would be easy affected and would travel through shocked, frightened, frustrated, angry, incapacitated, lost and entirely, disquieted and black. Showing credence and being supportive is indispensable, it can take down the client s anxiousness and construct up a trusting relationship. After the client s direction of her emotion, weigh out the options, for illustration: her mental or physical wellness during prenancy, the fiscal conditionl and household support of the adolescents household, the household and position of the male parent, the future instruction or other programs for her. In the assisting procedure, she is assisted to measure her strengths and failings every bit good as her extant resources and restrictions, identify and buttocks options, show empathy on her ideas and feelings every bit good as take serious consideration of the public assistance of the babe. Understand and inform the client about the pros and cons of all the picks, use the resources and so esteem her pick no affair what it is.. Though the concluding determination is made by the client, this pick in fact would non be decided by her ain. No uncertainty this would affect of her household support system or spouse and friends societal web. These adolescent are tend to do determination under the force per unit area given by their parens or fellows. Mother s pick Normally, societal worker whom work on the teenage gestation instance will supply the adolescent three options and assist this client to measure her state of affairs. Keep the babe. If the client decide to maintain the babe, the societal worker should do it clear to the realistic demands of the costs whether now or the hereafter. Make certain she acquire the to the full position of the hereafter challenges. Many sorts of duties she has to take, such as physical and psychological alterations, fiscal hazards or maternal direction. And the most of import, is she good fix for the new function of a parent. Give the babe up for acceptance. The most important undertaking before the babe s birth, is consider to do the maximal benefits for the babe. Though it may interrupt the female parent s bosom. After concerns of the babe s better hereafter, some pregnant misss will go on their gestations and distressingly give up the babe for acceptance. If the client face her state of affairs of non ready for a parentage, no affair what sort of factors, we should esteem her pick. She is courageously acknowledging she is non ready to becom a female parent but want her babe to accomplish a better life. To take acceptance can elicit the sense of loss and guilty. This feeling will get down with the gestation itself because the anticipant parents recognize the fact of accept the loss of their ain immediate life programs. Covering with unhappiness and guilt is non easy, some of them may truly endure from the fact that for good separated from their kid or even experience heartache and shame last a life-time. So analyze all these cost and possibilities and inform her every bit much inside informations as possible, it help her feel in control and confirm of doing this determination. End the gestation. Some clip abortion is a difficult but sensible pick. Abortion is a really sensitive issue for many people and a really hard determination to do for many adult females. But to some extent, finacial or psychological restriction, they have no pick but to give up their babes for adortion for farther consideration. Having an abortion under 24 hebdomads is considered legal in Hong Kong. Besides, societal worker should do certain that the client is informed the possible effects, by confer withing the physician, the household and the spouse to measure the finding. How if I face this issue As I realize the troubles of myself in covering with adolescent gestation, the best manner to work out this quandary is follow the ethical rules. All societal worker s work is assisting people to assist themselves. What I have to make is to assist her happen out the best manner to work out her job. First is to maintain confidential. Merely in this manner, the client assured that their information will non known by others so that will speak freely and supply more imformation. The rule besides indicate our the confidentiality is non absolute when the client present a danger to self or others. I may discourse this concerns with my client and allow her to make up ones mind whether to go on the services under such state of affairs. A adolescent may confront a quandary, whether to state others or non. When we feel the engagement of a parent or friends could be helpful, but she may non desire any outside engagement. It is sensible that under the force per unit area of societal norms, this immature miss will wish to maintain a secret. Senior societal work suggest that the best manner is explore her reluctance of stating others, after that, is up to her determination. And so, consent is an of import ethical issue every bit good. We suggest voluntary engagement with the instance to the client. For case, Canada s common jurisprudence states that people can accept if they are capable of understanding their job, the proposed intervention, and the likely effects of holding or declining intervention. In another word, it is her pick to consent or garbage. Confronting any sort of aberrant behavior, a societal worker must be non-judgmental. All of us were have been taught that we should non do judgements in category. As a human being, it is difficult of seting none emotion on others. Geldard holds the position, that being non-judgmental and handling client with unconditioned positive respect are ends which we should seek our best to accomplish. Though this is hard, we need to research in supervising any personal issues which may be interfering with their ability to be more accepting. I should endeavor to make this in order to construct up a trusting relationship with the client. Decision Teenage gestation is a many-sided issue that involve so many factors. As a societal worker, understanding these adolescents as they try difficult on doing their determinations sing gender and parentage involves, maintain in touch with their perceptual experiences of themselves and their appraisals of the chances that waiting them. After composing this paper, I recognize I had considered excessively much about humanism and furthering a healthy babe, but neglect the pregnant adolescent my client. A societal worker s most concern is how to assist the client to do maximal benefit in her state of affairs but non to judge if they are right or incorrect. I have to larn and pattern more on believing in the client s ability to work out the job and esteem her pick. I will non go through judgement on the client who are facing hard determinations, they are making the best they can.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Top 7 College Majors - Lauren Gartner

Top 7 College Majors Top 7 College Majors Which college majors are the best? How do you measure that? The most popular college majors can reflect many things. Obviously the popularity of the major is one of those things, but what about other factors. Surely, popularity alone does not mean that a major is a good choice. After all, you also have to consider the quality of the schools that offer the major, the likelihood of somebody majoring in a particular subject getting a job, the potential salary a graduate can earn, the level of job satisfaction, and the future employment outlook of somebody entering a specific career field. We are not going to attempt to tell somebody how to choose a college major. Instead, what we have done is compile a list of great college majors that fit into one of the following criteria: It is one of the most top paying college majors Students majoring in these fields are getting new jobs These majors give students the chance to work with great technology The future is bright for these majors Students who graduate with degrees in these majors report being exceptionally healthy and happy Top College Majors Biomedical Engineer Students majoring in this field learn to design, improve, and maintain medical equipment. This can be an especially exciting field for those who wish to work with artificial organs, medical analysis equipment, and devices that provide equal accessibility. Nursing High demand, tuition forgiveness, great salaries, and job placement opportunities are just a few of the reasons that this major makes the tops of these list in so many polls. Many students are drawn to this major because they simply want to help others to gain better health Engineering All disciplines of engineering are extremely popular. Career prospects for engineering students are great as are projected salaries. The future looks great for engineers, because there will  always be openings for engineers as long as new designs and technologies are being worked on. Business Administration or Business Management Business majors have always been popular among students who wish to begin careers in the corporate world, retail, or small to medium sized businesses. Many students pursuing business degrees have the desire to go to graduate school and complete their MBA. Computer Science Students who study Computer Science are qualified to enter many fields where job demand is high. They become security specialists, database administrators, software engineers, network technicians and help desk professionals. Social Worker The pay for a social worker is not the highest on this list. However, the work can be extraordinarily rewarding. Graduates work hard to make sure that people are healthy, safe, and that people have access to counseling and other sources of help. Education Students pursue majors in education or related fields in order to become teachers, school administrators, or guidance counselors. This can be extremely fulfilling work, and job prospects are excellent depending on area of specialty and geographical location.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Customer Service-CRM Technology Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Customer Service-CRM Technology - Assignment Example Current companies that utilize Salesforce at the moment are FTD, ATT, Sakonent and google. Salesforce allows companies to have dynamic SALESFORCE reporting. Although the intelligence behind SALESFORCE has been enhanced, good business analysts still understand the gravity of analyzing data to report to management. This extends to just simply reading graphs but really benchmarking these results via thresholds. A centralized information from all the sources (e.g. point-of-sale (POS) system, equipment monitoring, etc) where all sorts of information, real-time feeds and legacy information, can be monitored and analyzed in most efficient and precise way via data warehousing. Salesforce ERP system, which can handle most day-to-day business functions, would serve as the hub. POS and other devices use business intelligence software to gather sales information and marketing data, which is then transferred to an Salesforce database for analysis. would help organizations have robust information of their business processes and assist them monitoring the progress of their business in the terms of sales, revenues, inventory management, staff allocation, location of the business in terms of which is profitable or unprofitable, and also gives them the head start to mitigate any risk.The utilization of SALESFORCE is to supplement the work of Business Analysts and cultivate their thinking into making better and faster

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Microeconomics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 3

Microeconomics - Essay Example On the other hand, a rationale requires healthy debate in the process of evolution concerning the operating conditions of the sector. The Canadian government intervention in the agricultural sector, specifically in the livestock sector has brought forth numerous benefits and consequences as outlined below. The intervention occurs because of imperfect market, in order to provide public goods and services like the web extension reports and crop information. However, the private market can fail to offer sufficient public goods or services, thus result to excluding the some people from consumption of goods and services. The other reason relates to extremities such as high costs of public health due to poor nutrition. In this case, the occurrence of an externality happens in situations when the costs benefits are not related to decision makers. The other reason relates to the market power and monopolies in situations when the firm influences market prices. For example, the cooperative has offered the necessary privileges for offsetting the concentration of power to the buyers or service providers like railroads. Moreover, the imperfect and asymmetric information, whereby there is uncertainty relating to the products attribute, and in other situations processors might have more information concerning a required attribute compared to the supplier. The other reason relates to the labeling requirements, whereby the government intervention helps to solve private market imperfections. In this case, the intervention of based on offsetting economic distortion and it is created by the actions of the foreign party. Moreover, the subsidized exports in a  country are a determinant of the returns in the other, whereby the economic augments for the government intervention is harmonized in standards of the trading partners. There are justifications within the economic situations that government intervention into the agricultural sector is premised on a philosophy,

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Banks and Credit System of Exchange Essay Example for Free

Banks and Credit System of Exchange Essay Definition of Banks—Banks are financial institutions that help people to save and borrow money.In a growing economy, the banks help to create a new pool of money to be ised for other economic activities.They complement the money or cash system of exchange with the system of credit. History of Banking in the Philippines During the pre-colonial period, Filipinos also saved and borrowed money, but usually this was done by families, relatives of tribal leaders.The oldest written relic of our precolonial past is the famous Laguna Copperplate inscriptin (LCI), which contains a record of a debt payment in 900A. D.It proves that we have a longt tradition of honoring our debts in our culture. Modern banking, as we know it, really began with the coming of the Europeans. The first credit organizations were the Obras Pias(pious work), created by the Spanish colonial government starting in the 16th century. It is interesting to know that the early Catholics in the Philippines were taught how to tithe(give 10 percent of income to the church).Thus, thye early church in the Philippines was able to collect a fund od money, and its growth and good works increased tremendously. The first general bank in Southeast Asia was the Banco Espaà ±ol-Filipino (now known as Bank of the Philippine Islands), which opened in 1851.It was given authority to issue bank notes.Soon, other banks were opened.The Catholic Church anf their trustees owned and operated most banks during the Spanish colonial period. During the American period, more banks began operations. In 1906, the government established postal savings banks all over the country to bring banking closer to the people.This Promoted the habit of thrift and savings among low-income groups. Now Americans, Chinese and Filipinos also entered the picture. In 1916 the philippine National Bank was organized. Other banks which followed were the China Banking Corporation and the Philippine Bank of Commerce.Before World War II there were 17 banks in the country. The PNB and Postal banks were owned by the Catholic Church and religious organizations, and two by Filipinos and others. The Japanese m,ilitary occupation in 1941-45 briefly restructed Philippine banking. Only Japanese and their Filipino sympathizers were allowed to operate banks. In 1946, after independence, the otigins of our modern banking system were established. Prewar banks were re-opened and resumed operations. The Central Banking Act was passed in 1948. Today, there are thousands of banks all over the country, and some Filipino banks have opened branches abroad. Tyhe Volume of banking services has also increased, as more and more services are being offered. Among these services are car loans, time deposits, automatic tellers, dreive-in windows, night depository, safe deposit boxes, payroll handling, automatic debits, and many more. KINDS OF BANKS There are different kinds of banks as follows: 1. Rural banks-These are located mostly in the countryside. The government encourages the establishment of these small banks in order to bring asavings and banking closer to people in the provinces. For example, a group may set up a rural bank with P20 million capital outside of metro Manila or cities; but p50 million is needed for a bank in the city. The main reason for rural banks is to help farmers with agricultural loans. In 1994, the Pagsanjan Rural Bank founded by Victor Zaide cabreza and Soledad Benitez Cabreza, won the award fo â€Å"Outstanding Rural Bank in he Philippines† 2. Savings and loan association—These small banks gather savings and invest them in long term securities, such as housing loans. A good example is the Monte de Piedad Bank. 3.Special government banks—The Philippine government established several bnks to handle specific duties involving its financial projects.For example, after the war, the Rehabilitation and Finance Corporation (RFC) was created to receive postwar reconstuction funds ang give financial aid to the war-damaged economy. The RFG eventually beame the Development bank of the Philippines (DBP). The Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP) helps the government implement the land reform program. The Philippine Amanah Bank was organized in 1970s to cater for the growing economic needs of Muslim Filpinos. The government may also operate postal banks within selected post iffides around the country. Many small savers and children like to use postal banks because it is closer and more familiar to them. 4.Commercial banks—These make up the biggest banking group, and comprises nearly 50% of the total banking resources in the country. The main function of this type is to supply the circulating capital for the economy in the form of short-term loans.Example are the Philippine National Bank, Metrobank, BPI, FarEast Bank and Trust Company and others. 6.Universal Bank- Also known as a ful-service bank, a universal bank provides more servies than a commercial bank. Banks which have reached a capitalixation of P50 million or more can apply for a universal banking liscence. A universal bank can make more investments and lending.It can act as an investment house, a savings bank etc. It can invest directlyin private companies. Several banks are iniversal banks, starting with the Philipine National Bank, republic Planters Bank, United Cocunot Planters Bank, Allied Bank, PCIB, BPI, Far East Bank and Trust Company, and Metrobank. 6. international banks—As the name says international banks have operations in more than one country. Some Filipino bamks have branches in other countries, e.e. PNB, FEBTC, etc. Similarly, some foreign banks have branches in the Philippines, e.g. Hongkong ang Shanghai Chartered Bank, Citibank, Australia New Zealand, etc. Apart from the private banks, thee are government-owned banks, such as the International Bank for Reconstrucyion and Development (IBRD or World Bank) ased in Washington, D.C.; the Asian Development Bank (ABD) based in Metro Manila; the Bank of International Settkements (BIS) based in Basle, Switzerland. The Uses or Function of Banks The services of banks are: 1.To accept aand guard deposits of money.People go to a bank because they trust that their money will not be stolen inside.ThePhilippine Deposit Insurace Corporation (PDIC) encures each depositor’s money up to a limit. In case the bank closes doen or is robbed, the depositor will still get their money bacl up to a fixed limit. In turn, the bank keeps a written list of the deposit in a savings book, a monthly statement or a certificate . For the right to use the money, the banks pay interest. 2. to lend money. Banks led money to qualified clients. in this way, the bank earns interest and profits. loans are ofdifferent kinds: are short-term. Loans may also be typedaccording to purpose( car loan, housing loan, business loan etc.) This may be a property title, which the bank can get in case the loan is not paid. Next, bigl loans must have a co- signer or one who will guarantee to pay the loan if the borrower defaults 9faiks to pay). 3.To remit and collect money. Banks als transfer or collect money for clients. for example, overseas contract workers can send their remittances to family through a bank to be picked up in Manila by the relative. A businesman can pay for a supply ordered from abroad through a local bank which send the payment to the foreign supplier. Usually, a bank has a correspondent bank abroad in case it does not have branches ther. Banks accept checks, bank dreafts or telegraphic transfers from other banks, according to certain conditions. 4..To perform legal roles like supervising a business, managing a private

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Ageism and the Media Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive Topics

Ageism and the Media    Women over forty are constantly being either ignored or belittled in the media. There are countless women in their twenties and early thirties all over television and the movies. In magazines, the models tend to be much younger. Many are under twenty. Model Roxanne Daner is only 17, but her career will be over by the time she's 20. "I'm afraid to get old. I already feel old. I like to tell people that I'm 17, because 17 sounds young and they think that there is so much ahead for you. But 18, it's like there is not that much more - there's really only two more years." (Changing Face of Beauty: Illusions). According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 42% of Americans are fourty and older. In 1999, the Screen Actors Guild reported that only 1 in three roles went to performers over fourty. However, women over fourty fared worse than men of the same age. While 37% of male roles in television and film went to men fourty-years-old and over, only 24% went to women of the same age. 34% of male lead roles went to older men while only 21% went to older female leads. These depictions of older females are far from accurate when compared to the population. Now that's not to say that there's nothing out there - surly there are some additions to the re-runs of the Golden Girls - "the Bridges of Madison County," even older sex symbols like Sean Connery. But nothing commensurate with the size, wealth, and media dedication of the older population. (Starr) Of the top ten network television shows (excluding reality shows and game shows) for March 5-11, 2001; all ten portrayed men over forty while only seven portrayed women over forty. There were twenty-five males and seven females over forty. For every one female, t... ...ww.lifetimetv.com/shows/specials/changingface/illusions2.html Life Time Entertainment Services. 2000 Changing Face of Beauty: Models http://www.lifetimetv.com/shows/specials/changingface/models.html Life Time Entertainment Services. 2000 Changing Face of Beauty: Views. "Sela Ward" http://www.lifetimetv.com/shows/specials/changingface/views5b.html Life Time Entertainment Services. 2000 Changing Face of Beauty: Views. "Maricia Gillespie" http://www.lifetimetv.com/shows/specials/changingface/views.html Life Time Entertainment Services. 2000 Douglas, Susan J. Where the Girls Are: Growing Up Female with the Mass Media. New York: Random House Publishing, 1994, 278. Starr, Bernard. IT AIN'T JUST PAINT:AGING AND THE MEDIA   http://www.longevityworld.com/justpaint.html. 1997 Wolff, Naomi. The Beauty Myth. New York: Doubleday Publishing, 1991   

Monday, November 11, 2019

Cost Of Goods

The cost of making the product is an expense to the business and reduces the profit that the company can make when selling the products. The COGS is calculation once a year by showing charges from the Start to the end of the company fiscal (financial) year.In calculation the COGS you need to include cost of producing the product, wholesale price of good resold and what the direct manual labor cost the company makes the product. The other costs to be calculation is cost of containers, freight, rent, utilities, shipping and overhead. Whenever the COGS increase the net income is less. The sales of products need to be kept down to increase the profit. Inventory also determined the COGS by it changes of the product that was sold at the beginning of year and the inventory at the end of the previous year is calculation.The cost of goods purchased and made during the year is added up and the inventory at the end of the year is subtracted. This calculation is done so the company will know how much the inventory cost and how much was sold by the company during the year. The inventory is reported at the cost to make or buy the product, it is not the cost to sell it. If sells items cost change during the year, the company much figure out a transaction to deal with those cost changes in a way suitable to the IRS. It would have to figure this change into their COGS equation.The IRS has quite a few standard ways to account for changes in cost through the year without having to track each product price separately. 2. Record the transactions HTH made the purchase and sale of merchandise. All sales transactions have a credit entry to the sales account. The other transactions depend on the particular situation that is surrounding that transaction. There are make ways a company can makes sales and it can have a impact on an transactions sales. The sales can be for cash, resulting in a debit to cash or credit, which can lead to a debit to account receivable.The companies that use t he cash method receive sales only when actual cash have been received. When using the accrual method record the sales the moment the sale is made regardless of payment. In a permanent inventory system every entry for a sale must have a matching entry cost of goods. Using this system you have to book a cost of goods transaction for every individual inventory item you sell. The periodic systems from beginning to end on cost of goods entries are recorded during the accounting period, resulting in single -entry sales transaction.Once a business chosen an counting system that method dictates that part of the entry all the time. In a cash system you cannot ever record a sale transaction until the money has been paid. A cash or credit transaction may be different because it depends on the actual sales. Also there are risks when using cash sales and credit sales. When using the cash sales you get paid right then there is no waiting to receive your money in cash or credit card. With credit s ales the company extend credit with agreement of to be paid later and the business run the risk that the customer may not pay the money on time or pay not at all.It is very important when using the cash or credit system for a transaction the company needs to keep a record Of it (document) so the detail can be found of the transaction. The detail should include sales receipt with date, description of what was sold and the amount of the item. But credits sales are (not credit card sales) are treated just like a cash sales. The source document is done on a invoice slip it include all the information as the sale receipts and much more it have the purchaser name, contact information, credit terms due date, account number, purchase order number and invoice number.These record much be kept straight this should be done by premiered sale receipts and invoices slips and must be use in order, this will make it easier when you have to use then for information which you will need now and later. When using the accrual method accounting recording system should always be put in a second Journal entry for the cash part at the time of the receipt and this accounting method only let you know when you count the revenue not how you got it.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Themes presented in Act 1-Measure for Measure

A theme becoming noticeably present throughout Act 1 is that of religion, possibly part of the larger them of morality. The Duke, Scene 1 line 70, speaks of being greeted by ‘aves vehement'. The word ‘Ave' in Latin means ‘Hail' and is often associated with prayer, particularly to the Virgin Mary (a figure prominent in Catholicism). This suggests that the public in Vienna see the Duke as a saviour and a figure to be worshipped. At the time of its original performance this would have conveyed to the audience the prominence and power of the Duke in Vienna. However, the Duke says this greeting is good he does not ‘relish' it, showing the audience possibly that the Duke is not arrogant and does not wish to be a replacement for someone's faith; it perhaps allows the audience to hold a respect for the Duke from the beginning of the play. In scene 2, the references to religion continue with Lucio speaking of ‘the sanctimonious pirate that went out to sea with the ten commandments, but scraped one off the table'. This suggests a corruption of religion and its associated beliefs, which may foreshadow other themes coming later in the play-those of right and wrong, particularly when interpreting laws on prostitution and the confusion about marriage (should it be based on good faith or a legal ceremony). The pirate reference, particularly to the original audience, may have suggested that personal interpretations and sinister dealings were going to occur in the performance. Both the reference to the pirate and ‘aves' could show how Shakespeare is presenting a ‘problem play'. They raise the question of how religion should be carried out and how it can creep too far into everyday behaviour, until people begin to make powerful/adored figures idols and interpret religious teachings to suit their own behaviour. Scene 3, in the monastery, has two intertwining themes running through it-those of power and religion. The audience is presented with two powerful figures in their own right, one powerful due to his allegiance to God and perhaps less powerful in the workings of society and the other powerful due to his position in society and perceived almost as a ‘God' by his people. A silent power struggle appears to be occurring in the scene, not power for power's sake, but in order to earn the respect of the other. Throughout, the Duke appears to be justifying his argument in order to make it sound less corrupted and more favourable in the eyes of the friar. This comes across in his greetings of ‘Holy father' and ‘holy sir' and flattery ‘none knows better than you'. The friar speaks politely to the Duke ‘Gladly, my lord'. There is some sense of balance or equality in this scene, as ordinarily the Duke would be seen to be more powerful, due to his reign on the justice system however, he knows that the only person who can help him is the friar and the friar has the weapon of being aware of why the Duke has disappeared. Justice and morality are two another themes running throughout Act 1. The main plot line of Claudio being sentenced is at the centre of these themes. At the time of the first performance, brothels were widely apparent and many powerful figures were known for making use of their services. This is made clear to the audience, with the scene set in a brothel and the comic references to sexual diseases and the portrayal of the brothel as an industry. This should show the audience that it was widely accepted that these places were a part of society, making Claudio's actions seem less severe. He talks of Julietta being ‘fast my wife', apart from the legal proceedings so the fact he is being punished for this action and others are getting away with prostitution seems even more immoral, it raises the question of whether Claudio's actions are worse than the other male characters despite him being faithful to one woman. This is open to interpretation by the actors, however, they may choos e to play Claudio's speech with comedy, to make it sound like a feeble excuse for his actions rather than a legitimate plea for justice, which could make it seem as though justice is being done. Again a sense of corruption is presented, this time in politics. The Duke, who has fled unexpectedly, has let the law be ignored for a number of years yet Claudio is being punished under it. This suggests the laws can be manipulated to suit the leader. This is similar to the corruption of religion mentioned earlier when the pirate changed the ten commandments to suit his lifestyle and ideals at the time.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Documentary Super Size Me

Documentary Super Size Me 1. â€Å"Super Size Me† is a 2004 documentary film which tackles the problem of obesity as related to the consumption of fast food products from McDonald’s. Morgan Spurlock is the writer, director and main actor in this movie which documents his 30s of these are those who: i) prefer fast food over fresh food or freshly cooked food which has lesser fats and more fiber; ii) spend more time on the computer or television rather than doing outdoor activities; and iii) eat more than what one is supposed to take in one meal or do not put a limit to one’s consumption of food and carbonated drinks. 4. The high carbohydrates in the buns, biscuits, fries and hash browns; the protein in the sausages, burgers, eggs and chicken nuggets which are all fried with all their saturated fats; as well as the carbonated drinks and milkshakes which are filled with sugar and caffeine are the worst part of the McDonald’s meals consumed by Spurlock. The saturated fats have affected his liver, which have caused his predominant feelings of fatigue and low moods. On the other hand, the sugars which are said to be in almost all McDonald’s products, made Spurlock addicted to the food that he ate and made him always coming back for more.Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More 5. Spurlock’s weight definitely increased, although at the 3rd weigh in he lost a pound, which the health center said was probably due to his body’s adjustment to the new diet he had, and that his body lost some muscle mass and made him gain fat mass which was a little bit lighter. His moods became bad and you can see from his face that he was always tired. This was unlike his countenance at the initial part of the experiment when he was always cheerful and good-natured. 6. This film and the information that I have learned from this course have made me gain a better perspective on my life and the choices that I can make. I have learned that there are a lot of possible choices in life and relating it to this film, I think that I have become more intelligent in my lifestyle choices by preferring to take more fresh food than fast food, avoiding carbonated or high-calorie drinks, staying away from vices like smoking and drinking, trying to make myself more active and squeezing in exercise or physical activity as often as I can. 7. In addressing the obesity epidemic, the responsibility should be placed on both the consumer and the business enterprise. The consumer has the free will to choose, so if he/she chooses to take the unhealthy option, then he/she should be held responsible for that. In like manner, the business enterprise also has the choice to present healthy or unhealthy food products to the consumer. However, the government should try to monitor the actual nutritional content of these products to lessen the unhealthy food choices and mak e more room for the better options. In this manner, the final line up of products presented to the consumer will have lesser of the ill effects of obesity. References Spurlock, M., Spurlock, M. 2004. Super Size Me. United States: Samuel Goldwyn Films, Roadside Attractions.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Pride and proofreading - Emphasis

Pride and proofreading Pride and proofreading It is a truth universally acknowledged that any article on the subject of proofreading is bound to contain its own share of errors. However, we face this potential irony head on, as its a practice worth pushing. And while taking pride in your work is a wonderful thing, it goes further even than that: its a matter of credibility. Take heed of poor Jim Knight, the Minister of State for Schools and Learners no less, whose political blog was revealed in February to be full of typos and other mistakes. After forgetting such schoolroom staple rules as i before e except after c, Mr Knight has announced he must do better and always check [his] work. Shouldnt we all? The trouble is that a speedy skim just before you press send isnt going to cut it. This according to the most popular theory among cognitive psychologists at the moment is because of something called parallel letter recognition. This is the idea that, when reading, we process the individual letters of a word simultaneously in order to recognise the word. This certainly begins to make sense of the odd phenomenon whereby, if the first and last letters of a word are in the right place, the middle can be a complete shambles and chances are youll still be able to understand it. Ltlite wnoedr taht tpyos are otefn msiesd, wulndot you arege? In normal reading we dont actually scan every word: our eyes move in little jumps (or saccades), fixating on key words. But short or commonly occurring words are often skipped. While the eyes focus for milliseconds at one point on the page, our peripheral vision gathers information about upcoming words. We interpret based on what we see, but also crucially on what we expect to see. Familiarity with the context leaves us much more likely to make assumptions about what is written, and the chances of us being familiar with the context of our own documents are pretty high (one would hope). And, of course, spell-checkers are very unreliable aids indeed for a language rather fond of its heterographic homophones (words which sound the same but are spelled differently). For example, ewe/you, to/too/two and there/their/theyre; not to mention such similar formations as tough/trough/though/thought. One contributor to the Big Breakfasts forum once fell victim to this very problem. Vehemently defending a young female presenter from accusations of vacuousness, he vowed to always stick up for her: though thick and thin. Freudian slips notwithstanding, we all want to write what we mean and mean what we write. And, of course, to be able to stand by our work with pride. For even more science on the subject, click here.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Tidball's Category of Churches (Discussion) Assignment

Tidball's Category of Churches (Discussion) - Assignment Example Indeed these classifications of church made by Tidball (2008) bears some substance because their existence has confirmed their legitimacy. The main theme of his book is to lay emphasis on the importance of church in mission today as well as ministry today. In the present times, various churches have become endangered due to their dispersed geographical location around the world. Not all cultures are welcoming and may show hostility towards church expansion or ministry work. In any case, the functioning of a ministry is greatly impacted by the culture in which it operates. Culture is an important factor when considering how a ministry operates in a particular environment. The cultural context plays a dominant role because churches operating in different circumstances and settings are characterized by a specific pattern of functionality. This pattern of operation may be distinct in many cases and thus, culturally driven churches are likely to have a different model of working. What Tidball (2008) has tried to communicate is that the cultural context is significant in determining the specific model being followed in a particular church. The endangered church is widely reflected in the Epistle of Jude and 2 Peter. Similarly, references of a despised church and compromised church are present in 1 Peter and John’s letters respectively. Tidball (2008) has explored ministry quite extensively as they are referenced in the New Testament. Tidball (2008) has laos considered the cultural and environmental context in which they operated where they sometimes involved an unwelcoming atmosphere. The main point which Tidball (2008) has tried to explain is that ministry work should be guided by the gospels and the New Testament. The New testament contains a wide range of cultural environments where churches operated during a particular period of time. Hence,

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Midterm - HIST Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Midterm - HIST - Essay Example The difference was seen on their idea on what was right for the citizens. One of the differences was on self-rule and determination. The conservative were of the idea that self-rule and determination were not suitable for Europe. The idea was that such ideas were responsible for chaos and constant wars in Europe. For example, they cited the revolutionary America and France. The conservative believed the ideas were to stop if untold suffering and bloodshed was to end. Moreover, the ideas were seen as affecting lower classes in which the conservatives believed they required nothing more than peace and stability. On the other hand, the liberals were of the idea that time was ripe for the establishment of national government. They believed the old order was responsible for suffering and inequality that was rampant in Europe, at the period. They were against the domination of various regions by a few group of rich and noble in the society. Therefore, they demanded representative governmen t. Secondly, there were differences based on the economic state of the region in the period. For example, the liberal idea was that there should be a free market in the region. As a result, they called for uncontrolled private enterprise and non-government interference in the economy. On the other hand, the conservatives were opposed to the idea. They believed that the government had to have a hand in the regulation of the market, as well as ownership of property. For example, they controlled the distribution of land. Third, there were significant political differences between the opposing sides. The differences occurred in terms of enjoyment of rights. The liberals spent most of their time fighting for rights. Moreover, the wanted a large portion of the middle class to be allowed to vote instead on concentrating it to few aristocratic individuals. This is because only those who owned property could vote at the period. Hence, only the noble who

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Theater Arts Film Analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Theater Arts Film Analysis - Assignment Example It is clear that he is in love and he is ready to change to win her heart. The artist (Greg) also notes that he is ready to change his life, as there is love in his life as well, the love for art. Attention to such details as Melvin’s reluctance or certain inability to walk on small blocks. At the end of the film, he sometimes pays no attention to the surface he is walking on. This is a sign of the starting changes and Melvin acknowledges them. 2. a. It is important to note that numerous elements of the film contribute to the theme. For instance, narrative of the film contributes to the theme greatly. The plot structure is linear, which helps to trace the change. This enables the filmmakers to show the evolution of characters and their decision to change as well as their first steps in this direction. Flashbacks would destroy the theme, as the changes could get lost in the mosaic of different periods. b. It is necessary to note that performance of the cast also contributes to the theme. Acting is very realistic. The main characters express very strong emotions such as despair, fear, anger, affection, zeal. They are very sincere and appealing. The main characters are dynamic as they change their lives and they are ready to become, at least, slightly different people. Importantly, Melvin and the artist undergo quite tremendous changes while Carol remains almost unchanged as a person. Her life is dramatically changed but her features of character are the same. It is possible to add that she seems to be a tool or rather a muse that changed the two man. c. As far as cinematography is concerned, it is possible to note that the film uses conventional tools. The lighting is natural though it often reflects the mood of the characters. For instance, Melvin first feeds the dog and he is stressed out, he is very gloomy just as his room is. This scene is interesting in terms of the camera angle employed. The high angle emphasizes the mood of the

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Importance Of Logic And Language

The Importance Of Logic And Language Language is defined as anybody which can be written, spoken shown or otherwise communicated between people. It is method of human communication, either spoken or written, consisting of the use of words in a structured and conventional way. Language is the most complex form of communication. Language problems are extremely complex, perhaps comparable with the complexities of human life itself. The importance of language is essential to every aspect and interaction in our everyday lives. We use language to inform the people around us of what we feel, what we desire, and question or understand the world around us. We communicate effectively with our words, gestures, and tone of voice in a multitude of situation. Would you talk to a small child with the same words you would in a business meeting. Being able to communicate with each other, form bonds, teamwork, and its what separates humans from other animal species. Communication drives our lives and better ourselves. The importance of l anguage is beneficial regardless if you do it for fun or for your career or even just for personal travel. It is obvious that learning languages contributes to mutual understanding, a sense of global citizenship and personal commitment. The significance of language in our lives is incomparable. It is not just restrained to being a means of communicating ones thoughts and ideas to the rest, but has also become a tool for forging friendships, cultural ties as well as economic relationships. Throughout history, learned men have reflected on the importance of language in our lives. Scholar Benjamin Whorf has noted that language shapes our thoughts and emotions and determines our perception of reality, whereas John Stuart Mill has referred language to be the light of the mind. For linguist Edward Sapir, language is not just a vehicle for carrying out expressions of thoughts, perceptions, sentiments, and values characteristic of a community, but is a representation of a fundamental expression of social identity. He also believes that language helps in maintaining the feelings of cultural kinship. The significance of language in our day-to-day living include: Language aids in developing and grooming ones personality as a whole. Since learning a language is part of our knowledge, it becomes one of the key factors in competitiveness. In the advanced industrial society of today, the basic knowledge of a single or more language has become indispensable. With the advent of the concept of globalization, people all over the globe communicate with each other and exchange ideas. Though technological advances have served as a medium for communication, you cannot deny the role played by language. Understanding of a common language has helped people to communicate, despite being from varied parts of the world. Language has become a major tool of communication between countries, cultural groups, various companies and organizations, communities and friends. Language is one of the key factors of our human developmental process, which sets us apart from the rest of the animal kingdom and knits a strong feeling of kinship amongst us. A baby is born without language, but even without formal training, by the age of five, the child knows several hundred words and grammar of a particular language. This is an inherent human tendency, which is extremely important for further growth. Any discrepancy seen in learning a language at such early stage might indicate certain illness in a child. In the developmental trajectory of a child, language plays an important role since it is connected with various aspects of a childs growth. Learning a language is directly related to emotional development. For instance, a baby gazing at his parents face is responded by cooing and few words of love by his parents. This retains in the babys mind and when he is a little older, he begins using language to express his emotions as well. Language is also connected to the moral development in a child. The process begins when the child is about 18 months old. The child learns the right and wrong by listening to what his parents or other adult authorities tell him. Imagine teaching the child the difference of right or wrong without the tool of language! Learning a language within the first five years of ones life is important. It is one of the best predictors of a childs later performance in school. A child who has significant speech or language delays has a high likelihood of eventually having trouble with reading, which may continue throughout school. IMPORTANCE OF LOGIC IN HUMAN AFFAIRS Logic is the study of the principles and methods of reasoning. Logic is generally based on deduction which is a method of exact inference. It is a study of correct reasoning that consist of language and reasoning. It explores how we distinguish between good (or sound) reasoning and bad (or unsound) reasoning. An instance of reasoning is called an argument or an inference. An argument consists of a set of statements called premises together with a statement called the conclusion, which is supposed to be supported by or derived from the premises. A good argument provides support for its conclusion, and a bad argument does not. Two basic types of reasoning are called deductive and inductive. A good deductive argument is said to be validthat is, the conclusion necessarily follows from the premises. A deductive argument whose conclusion does not follow necessarily from the premises is said to be invalid. The argument All human beings are mortal, all Greeks are human beings, therefore all Greeks are mortal is a valid deductive argument. But the argument All human beings are mortal, all Greeks are mortal, therefore all Greeks are human beings is invalid, even though the conclusion is true. On that line of reasoning, one could argue that all dogs, which are also mortal, are human beings. Misunderstandings commence from the heart of people who are not adept in expressing their needs and desires in a discreet and precise manner which sooner or later result to a more devastating damage like chaos and wars between confederations. Crimes like illegal and immoral acts are committed because of the endless sufferings of one whose needs are not adequately comprehended due to his poor ability of expressing himself. Major and minor dilemmas between friends, family members and other relationships are the aftermaths of ignorance in the appropriate and proper usage of language. These few and many more problems which we are facing today usually root from a distinct cause which is the lack of comprehension which could have been solved before it commenced if only the humanity learns how to study the structure of arguments and ascertain its validity and truthfulness. Indeed, the study Logic is a very vital necessity which could lead to a more vivid, harmonious and progressive future. These are some of the numerous good reasons why it is helpful to study of this subject. Logic learning can allow you to improve the quality of the arguments that you create. When you make rational disputes, you are apt to convince other people to agree with your claims. And people are much less likely to believe that you have a valid point by giving them accurate and logical justifications. The learning process will also give you the ability to evaluate the arguments of others. When you know how to understand arguments the way they are supposed to be constructed and the way they shouldnt be constructed, you will find all kinds of bad arguments out there that could weaken your opponents conclusion most especially during debates. As you argue with each other you will be able to determine the fallacies which were asserted because you will be able to critically scrutinize the rationality and authenticity of your opponents dispute. Another important aspect of Logic is Philosophical Logic and Reasoning and the importance of this in our lives include: This is essential in General Problem Solving: It helps us to analyze concepts, definitions, arguments and problems, and contributes to our capacity to organize ideas and issues to deal with questions of value. Communication Skills: Here our skills will be enhanced as we are able to present ideas through well-constructed systematic and reasoned arguments. Persuasive Powers: We will learn to build and defend our own views, to appreciate competing positions, and to indicate forcefully why we consider our own views preferable to alternatives. Writing Skills: Philosophical Logic and Reasoning teaches us interpretive writing through its examination of challenging texts, comparative writings through emphasis on fairness to alternative positions, argumentative writing through detailed portrayal of concrete examples and others. These are very important reasons why logic and reasoning matter in human affairs. They can be applied in the trained academic person life, or to the normal individual who has a desire to analyze the issues facing him/her before making a final crucial decision. Logic and Reasoning are important in career training and development on the job. In management, administration, law, finance, engineering, physics, chemistry, archeology, history and other disciplines, logic and reasoning are essential. We will be able to broaden the range of things we know and understand, be able to receive self-knowledge, foresight and a sense of direction in human affairs. We can accomplish self-discovery, expansion of consciousness, and self renewal. Therefore, when we are faced with a routine daily situation or a very difficult problem or issue to resolve, logic and reasoning are important to remember and be applied for the best or most desired results. Logic is important because it influences every decision we make in our lives. Logical thinking allows us to learn and make decisions that will affect our lifestyle. If no one thought logically, we would all be running around like chickens with our heads cut off, and nothing would make any sense. CONCLUSION Language is obviously a vital tool. Not only is it a means of communicating thoughts and ideas, but it forges friendships, cultural ties, and economic relationships. Language, of course, is knowledge, and in our world today knowledge is one of the key factors in competitiveness. Brains and knowledge are what create the prosperity and growth we tend to take for granted. In an advanced industrial society in an increasingly interdependent world, the knowledge of other languages becomes indispensable. Just think of how the advent of the Internet has changed our lives. For the last few years, millions of people across the world, who share common interests, are able to communicate with each other and exchange ideas. Not only are they able to do this due to the various technological advances, but also because they share a common language. The ability to think logically is of immense practical importance in our daily lives. Day after day, from moment to moment, we are busy interpreting available evidence and making predictions on what will happen next. When I walk along the sidewalk, it is my interpretation of the available evidence that leads me to the conclusion that it will be safe to put a foot forward for the next step. The moment conditions change (for example, if I hear a gunshot) I may have to reinterpret, and may then conclude that it is no longer safe to put a foot forward for a next step. Generally, logic is important in human affairs because It helps us to distinguish good argument from bad ones. It makes our thinking clear accurate. It strengthens our intellectual skills. It advances our quest for knowledge and understanding whatever is our field of interest. It enlarges our capacity to formulates argument analyse them critically.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Data Link Case Study

The Importance of Data Link Communication in Aviation Matthew D. Palmer Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Abstract This paper explores the importance of data link communication in aviation. The importance of these systems and their positive outcomes to the aviation world are also covered. Authorities such as the Federal Aviation Administration, EuroControl, and military departments will be used to show different aspects of data links importance. The importance of each department and its specific use of data link systems is defined and elaborated on.Though each specific department varies its use of the system, the aviation world is becoming safer as they progress their programs. The importance of Data Link Communication in Aviation Numerous studies have been conducted on the importance of data link communication and its application in aviation transportation. These studies are international and include all regions of airspace on the planet. Data link programs have proven effective in the areas of safety, efficiency, and military applications. Data link communication is the means of connecting one location to another for the purpose of transmitting and receiving information.The aircraft flight management system gathers important flight information and transmits this information to ATC. This information is called a downlink. Once the information is organized by ground controllers, it sends navigation information to the aircraft to provide weather information and a safe flight path to its destination. This is called an uplink. Data link systems use a program called ACARS to send information. ACARS is a digital data system using the aircrafts VHF radio to communicate with operators using bursts of data. The aviation world is quickly expanding with growth and technological advancement.Data link systems have proven highly effective in increasing safety for airlines, air cargo operations, defense aviation, and leisure aviation. Safety is an immense priority for all aviation authorities. Data link systems have the ability to send information to pilots without worrying about interfering static, high communication volume, or dead spots. The system is ergonomically designed to be user friendly. Data is easily accessible and has a simultaneous send rate. As data link systems progress, they’re creating a more efficient way to travel or transport via aviation.Organizations such as EuroControl have already started using data link systems for their efficiency. EUROCONTROL's mission is to harmonize and integrate air navigation services in Europe, aiming at the creation of a uniform air traffic management (ATM) system for civil and military users, in order to achieve the safe, secure, orderly, expeditious and economic flow of traffic throughout Europe, while minimizing adverse environmental impact. (SkyBrary, 2012) Now that flight plans are more closely monitored, EuroControl can set navigation plans in a â€Å"straight-line† formation.This will greatly save the airlines fuel, money, and travel time to and from destinations. Military organizations of the world also greatly rely on data link communication. By using encrypted data link messages, ground controllers can easily identify if an aircraft is an enemy or ally. Certain military data link applications such as Blue Force Tracker, and Hawklink, are used by NATO forces to send and interpret classified flight information. Pilots using Blue Force Tracker are able to send messages to ground controllers and other aircraft through an electronic knee board.The CDL Hawklink solution is a high speed, air-to-surface, digital data link that transmits data, imagery, electronic support measures, communications, and radar information gathered by the helicopter’s sensors to be multiplexed and transmitted in excess of 100 nm, at a rate of 10. 71 and 21. 42 megabits per second, to the host ship via the Ku-band link. (Harris Aviation, 2012). Both of these systems are extremel y effective to their users while conducting combat operations. In conclusion, data link programs have proven effective in the areas of safety, efficiency, and military applications.As these programs continue to advance, ground controllers can help reduce the frequency of potential accidents and incidents. References European Organization for the Safety of Air Navigation. (2012). retrieved September 30 2012, from http://www. skybrary. com Web Site: http://www. skybrary. com. aero/index. php/EUROCONTROL Ku-band Tactical Common Data Link (TCDL) Hawklink System—MH-60R LAMPS Helicopter. (2012). Retrieved September 30, 2012, from http://www. govcomm. harris. com Web Site: http://www. govcomm. harris. com/solutions/products/000074. asp

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Big Sky Resort Project

Big RESORT PROPERTY Ownership Big sky resort is currently owned and operated by Boyne Resorts Company, but its background is a bit more interesting than that. In 1970, after his retirement and return to his home state on Montana, NBC newscaster Chet Huntley began building the resort. In December of 1973 the resort opened for the first time. Unfortunately Mr. Huntley was not able to enjoy his resort very long as he died a few short months later on March 20th, 1974 at the age of 62.In 1976, Boyne Resorts purchased the property and has managed it since then. Boyne Resort Company (BRC) owns and operates 11 resorts in the continental United States, with the highest number of resorts, 3, in the state of Michigan and one resort in British Columbia, Canada. They are self reportedly the third largest resort network in America and boast some of the â€Å"best  snow sports destinations, championship golf courses, luxurious spas and a full menu of active lifestyle amenities. The company has b een family owned and operated since it was started by Everett Kircher in 1947, employees of 7,000 people and has a goal to become the â€Å"best four-season resort company in the world by 2015,† a goal they believe they are well on the way towards. They are also partners with the Cool Earth program to help protect the world’s rainforests. Types of Lodging Big sky offers three different property types: hotels & condo hotels, cabins & homes, and condominiums with a stunning 11 out of 14 lodging buildings, equating to over 800 rooms, allowing access for ski in/ski out lodging right on the slope side.Big Sky’s White Water inn is a former Comfort Inn sitting a little further away from the slopes, about 10 miles off property, on highway 191 that Big Sky purchased and converted into their own. This hotel boasts it’s own Spa and indoor water slide. It is also located only 47 miles from the west entrance to Wyoming’s Yellow stone national park, the closest of Big Sky’s properties to Yellowstone. The Huntley Lodge is the original hotel on Big Sky’s property envisioned and named after, you guessed it, Chet Huntley.Although it’s a simple room with only two beds, a desk, bathroom and a wet bar, it is as Huntley imagined it, a slope side hotel. It also houses a spa, Chet’s bar and grill restaurant, shops, ski storage, and the Huntley dining room which is the dining room where any guests to Big Sky go for the complimentary breakfast buffet daily. Prices / packages As you may expect from a resort that offers 14 different lodging properties, there are many different prices for each hotel. Interestingly enough, however, only one package/special centers on one hotel property. /5 of the packages offered by big sky encompass all hotels, or a selection of multiple in one area. (See appendix). Normal prices on a nightly basis range from as little as $169. 00 for a one bedroom, two queen bed room in the Huntley Lodge to $ 2958. 00 for a four bedroom penthouse at the Summit at Big Sky. Most hotel rates are less than $300. 00 a night for the lower end, one bedroom or studio room. Services During the winter months big sky offers a breakfast buffet to all guests staying in any hotel on the property. Many of the lodging properties have slope-side access for to the mountain.All hotels either have a gym in them or a pool and properties that don’t allow access to adjoining properties that do. There are over 20 ski lifts bringing skiers and riders all the way to the top of lone peak. Big sky offers ski school for children as young as 4 and adults of all ages. Facilities Big sky resort is a mountain based resort and, during the winter, their primary activity is skiing and snowboarding. The mountain offers 15 ski lifts ranger from sitting doubles to a fully enclosed tram that takes you to the top of lone peak.These lifts give skiers and riders access to well over 50 individual trails and three terrain pa rks. In the summer, lifts still operate to bring you to extensive hiking trails. At the base of the mountain lies Mountain Village, the focal point of the resort. The hotel and lodging properties are located either in the village or around it. Mountain village contains Solace Spa & salon. The village center area contains the Yellowstone Conference Center. The conference center is comprised of the Missouri ballroom on the ground floor which can be divided into up to six individual rooms for meetings.On the upper floor there are four stand-alone rooms for meetings or small conferences. In the remainder of the village there are seven other meeting spaces. Snow crest lodge has a ski and snowboard rental shop in the ground floor. Big sky has 21 different dining options on property ranging from burgers and brats to a bar and grill that brew’s its own beer to upscale Italian restaurant priding itself on Tuscan cuisine. Business cycle Big Sky is a mountain based resort that caters gr eatly to the skier and snowboarder crowd as well as snow tubers in the winter, making it it’s ‘on’ season.However, Big Sky doesn’t have an ‘off’ season, just an abbreviated on season. Obviously during the summer months there isn’t much skiing to be had but there are plenty of other activities. An extensive network of hiking trails is the most obvious of the resorts summer activities on property. Among the multitude of other activities that big sky offers are some you might think of immediately, like Zip lining and a scenic lift ride. Others still might take you by surprise such a skeet shooting and a rock wall. They also offer several Paintball courses throughout the mountain.Nearby Lake Levinski and the Gallatin River offer canoeing, paddle boarding, whitewater rafting and kayaking. Furthermore, Big sky advertises itself as being the perfect basecamp from which to visit nearby Wyoming’s Yellowstone National Park, with the west e ntrance to the park being a mere 47 miles away. The combination of Yellowstone national park and the summertime mountain based activities have the potential to attract a plethora of summer guests to Big sky resort. Seasonality Big Sky experiences cold winters with temperatures getting as low as 8 degrees on average but rarely higher than freezing, with a high of 34 degrees on average.Visitors can expect between 3 and 7 inches of snow monthly starting as early as late October in some cases. Summer weather is quite drastically different. Temperatures can rise to the mid 80s on average with lows in the 50’s during the day and colder at night even as low as upper 40’s. The cold and snowy winters will be attractive to skiers and rider’s alike, seeking fresh snow or temperatures sufficient to make artificial snow. The warmer summers will be attractive for visitors looking to partake in outdoor activities or visit Yellowstone.The cool nights could be a welcome refreshe r or an unattractive nuisance depending on how low they get; However, I do not believe cooler nights will have a large impact on guest’s opinions of the resort. MARKETING Target Markets 1. Experienced skiers and riders is who big sky markets to the most. With slogans like â€Å"The BIGGEST skiing in America† and multiple double diamond runs, as well as back country access with no cleaned runs. In all likelihood, this segment does not produce the highest revenue, since they may travel alone or in small groups (2-3), but big sky markets themselves to appeal to those advanced level groups.This segment could be drawn to Big Sky from around the world because of their intricate and advanced slope structure. 2. Big sky’s second largest market segment is medium sized families (3-5 guests) or extended families for a reunion type vacation (7+guests) in the middle or higher class. Families with children aged 4 and older can sign their kids up for mini ski camp. This group will fill a majority of the rooms on property and many of the people in this market segment have taken up skiing or riding in recent years. This market segment might be drawn to Big Sky from around the country.Especially since the airport in the city of Bozeman has flights that come in directly from major metropolitan areas such as New York, Atlanta, Phoenix, and Seattle 25 times daily. During the off peak summer season, this group might make up an even larger majority of Big Sky’s Guests due to 3. Group Travel is another large market at Big Sky. They have rooms available to accommodate large groups. More specifically, groups will be comprised of older teenagers and college students(17-21) and young working professionals(22-30). Having everything you might want to do on a vacation to a mountain based resort, ncluding pools, shopping, of course skiing and riding on property Big sky is trying to get these groups and keep them on property. Not to mention Yellow stone National pa rk being less than an hour away, Big Sky really has everything any member of your group would want to do in the North West. This segment will most likely be drawn from a region. It is not very likely groups New England, for instance, will travel to big sky when there are closer skiing options and if they do their return business is even less likely due to expensive travel costs. 4. Empty nesters (45+) may come to Big Sky to enjoy skiing and summer recreation.This segment can potentially be drawn from an international market. The spa at Big Sky would be icing on the cake for this group. It may offer a relaxing, slower paced day of fun and relaxation. The resort can appeal particularly to those individuals interested in the nation’s first national park, Yellowstone. The offer a cross country ski or snowmobile tours into the park to and from Big Sky. 5. Young couples (24-30) or even couple trips who are two or more years into their working lives and have enough vacation time to come for an extended weekend in the begging or end of the ski season or potentially even during the summer.Even couples where one or both individuals are not experienced skiers or riders, Big Sky’s adult lesson programs can bring them up to speed. Furthermore, these couples who have skied or need refresher courses, or wish to take on more challenging runs can enlist in the advanced programs, like Master the Moguls; a course for skiers â€Å"level 7 and higher’ who want to learn to â€Å"negotiate the bumps with style†. How Big Sky Markets Big Sky markets itself as a year round resort although their primary season is the ski season.Their favorite slogan and possibly even motto is â€Å"The biggest skiing in America. † Much of their marketing uses the word ‘Big’, for example â€Å"BIG Happiness† is sprawled across an advertisement on their website’s home screen with the ‘big’ being shown in their own calligraphy (See appendix). During off season summer month’s Big Sky markets it’s ‘Basecamp’ as â€Å"The perfect headquarters for mountain adventures. † Their brochure for summer activities explains over 10 of the summer attractions they have.Big Sky offers an eighteen hole golf course designed by Arnold Palmer in the 1970’s and updated multiple times. Surprisingly, Big sky does not advertise their golf course almost at all. There is only one, small picture in their brochure of the course and a very limited page online. It’s safe to say golf isn’t a big attraction to Big Sky in the summer and it definitely is â€Å"nice to have’ not â€Å"need to have†. You can tell winter is bigger at Big Sky just from the brochure. The winter activity brochure is twice the size of the summer one and it focuses on the mountain.Although Lone Peak and Flat Iron and Andesite mountains around it host almost all of the summer activities, they are th e primary attraction in the winter. They advertise over 5500 acres of skiable runs, over 4000 vertical feet, 26 lifts, 230 plus trails, ad over 400 inches of snowfall. They market themselves as â€Å"Head and Shoulders above the rest† siting more skiable acres than Vail, Colorado and more Vertical feet than Vail and Squaw Valley, California. The only time Big Sky stops’ talking about their ski slopes is to mention the resorts close proximity to Yellowstone and the trips they run there.Yellowstone is definitely integral in bringing them business, even in the winter and should have more emphasis placed on it, as well as other programs such as the spa. The spa has its own stand-alone brochure but is seldom mentioned elsewhere. RECREATION / ACTIVITIES Activities Spring, Summer, and Fall 1. Zip line 2. High ropes course 3. Downhill mountain biking 4. Skeet shooting 5. Paintball 6. Laser Tag 7. Scenic lift 8. Hiking 9. Climbing wall 10. Giant Swing 11. Bungee trampoline 12. Disc golf 13. Mountain scooter or watercraft rentals 14. Golf 15. Yoga 16. Spa 17.Swimming pools 18. Fly Fishing 19. Whitewater Rafting 20. Horseback riding 21. Rock climbing 22. Wildlife viewing 23. Children’s program including: a. Dodge ball b. Face painting c. Making terracotta pots d. Adventure race e. Nature hikes and crafts f. Supervised disc gold g. Teepee camp out Winter 1. Skiing and Snowboarding 2. Zip line 3. High ropes course 4. Laser Tag 5. Bungee trampoline 6. Climbing Wall 7. Giant Swing 8. Tube Park 9. Snow cat Rides (To yellow stone) 10. Cross country Skiing (Yellowstone) 11. Sleigh Rides 12. Backcountry skiing 13. Yoga 14. Spa 15.Swimming pools 16. Wild life viewing 17. Children’s program including: a. Dodge ball b. Face painting c. Making terracotta pots Activity and Market Segments Experienced skiers will primarily be attracted to Big Sky for their advanced ski runs and slope side lodging. However, many other aspects of the resort will aim attract t his group to Big Sky over other resorts. The close proximity to Yellowstone national park is an out of the ordinary aspect that can entice those skiers and riders who want to visit the park but don’t want to make it the main focus of their trip.This group which obviously likes to ski may want to try a cross country ski trip to the park. The plethora of additional activities, such as zip lining, can encourage these guests to book longer trips and offer breaks in between days of skiing. The back country skiing can bring in travelers from greater distances who want to break away from the rigid ski slopes offered at mountains local to them. Even the options at the spa can bring in these guests that want to have the opportunity to be rejuvenated in a relaxing environment and then get right back on the slopes.During summer months, Experienced skiers wouldn’t be attracted to Big Sky for the ski runs, but they might want to return for other outdoor activities like hiking on th e runs they enjoy to ski. The other outdoor activities such as horseback riding and white water rafting will without a doubt attract this group, assuming that they are avid out door travelers wishing to spend more time in the beautiful wilderness around Big Sky. Middle Class Families might be attracted to the resort for skiing because of the multiple day lift ticket discounts or the wide range of attractive lodging styles, from economical to the lush ad luxurious.Not to mention, when booking through Big Sky’s central reservation system or enrolling a child under ten years old young children (under 10) get to ski for free The Tube Park is also another great aspect for children. The other attractions like zip lining, the giant swing, and bungee trampoline can entice families in both the winter and summer months, as well as the children programs. Furthermore during the summer families may want to go hiking or white water rafting together. A warm Montana day might be the perfect setting for a father and son golf trip, or skeet shooting.Big sky could attract group travelers because of the plethora of activities. It really does have something for everyone in your group. Trips to yellow stone, yoga, rock climbing, and the spa are all enticing to different members of these groups. No single event or attraction can be attributed to this group, however low rates for condo style living at Alpenglow can entice this crowd. Empty Nesters who have reached a later age in life, and accumulated more time off with their companies now have a little extra cash flow since they are no longer supporting children.The slower paced activities at Big Sky, like Golf or the spa can appeal to this group; Even going on a relaxing hike or fly fishing trip. The more adventurous in this group might want to try white water rafting, skiing or cross country skiing to Yellowstone. Of course†¦. there is always just the pool! Although Big Sky doesn’t really â€Å"do weddings†, and the closest thing to anything seeming romantic is a free bottle of champagne when you book two nights it’s apparent that young couples are coming for the romance.Virtually all the activities could appeal to this group, skiing, downhill biking, horseback riding, high ropes, zip line, white water rafting. Why not enjoy all this while your young? RELATION TO TEXT Similarities 1. Big Sky is a type one resort (PG 25). Type one resorts, by definition are international destinations with excellent mountains and wide variety of lodging and real-estate accommodations. With 14 hotels ranging from simple ‘double-double’ hotel rooms to more advanced condominiums, Big Sky lives up to the plethora of lodging options. Lone mountain and lone peak are offer upreme runs with much variety, all the way from a bunny hill with green circle runs to double diamonds near the peak, and even back country skiing. Big Sky definitely meets the criteria for a type one mountain based reso rt. 2. Located just 50 miles south of Bozeman, MT and Bozeman/Big Sky airport there is airline access direct from 13 major cities in the US, including New York, Chicago, Las Vegas, and Portland. The book states that the more attractive the site, the farther people will be willing to travel to ski there (PG 33). The size and scope of Big Sky resort can attract people, not just on a national basis, but also internationally.The resort seeks to target not just local or regional guests, willing to travel up to half a day, but also those seeking to travel farther, and stay longer. 3. Big Sky offers 4,350 vertical feet to ski on Lone Mountain. For an area this size the book recommends one to two thousand vertical feet of lift (PG 42). The Southern Comfort high speed quad alone can carry 4 skiers 1,250 vertical feet. Big Sky has 15 lifts, one gondola, and 5 surface lifts throughout the mountain and is consistently known for little to no lift lines. 4. The way the way the lodging at Big Sky is laid out is nearly verbatim to the book (PGS 46-47).The resort offers a good mix of Hotel style lodging and condominiums. Mountain Village, at the base of the mountain, squeezes in a high density of lodging accommodations, many of the slope side. These include Summit Hotel, Snowcrest Lodge, and Huntley Lodge. Farther away from the base, but still offering slope-side access are the Lone Moose and Saddle Ridge properties, offering Condo and Townhouse style lodging, respectively. They are more spacious and offer a higher quality of room / amenity, but also are more expensive. 5. Mountain Village is a key feature to Big Sky resort.The book suggests that a base village is integral to a new kind of four season resort, like big sky (PG 88). Not only does Big Sky’s Mountain Village offer restaurants, lodging, and retail outlets near chairlifts, but also other activities, like ice skating, and a place to sign up for them at the concierge and basecamp facility. In the lobby of the H untley / Shoshone lodge is the Spa and Yellowstone Conference center. This complex which offers both hotel and condo style lodging options is the focal point of the base village area. Big Sky has certainly created a miniature town just for their guests.Differences 1. The book discusses the use and necessity of permits when dealing with land owned by the United States Forest Service, or USFS (PG 27). Although Big Sky operates on about 100 square miles of USFS land it seems apparent that some principles outlined in the book are being overlooked. Although the resort is a cool earth partner and does a lot to help the environment other aspects USFS and the National Ski Area’s Association try to meet are suffering. The establishment of local economies f and sustainable communities is suffering. Big Sky uses all of the land it has for ski runs and Local lodging.The work force needs to either travel from far away or get temporary housing and be bussed in from two properties operated by Big Sky for employees. Only one is open during the summer. 2. General design guidelines outlined by the book highlight the necessity of linking what is special about the local area and creating a strong emotional link between the local populace and natural environment (PG 34). By not putting a good foot forward to build a more permanent and affordable living area for general population they are greatly constricting the possibility of forming this strong bond between locals and themselves.Local people may grow discontent with the resort if they cause the area to belong to the tourists. 3. Adding illumination to Big Sky could potentially increase capacity by up to 60% (PG 40). Big sky does not have any options for night skiing and, while the potential risk and possible insurance costs are understandable, they are limiting themselves to the short hours of daylight during the winter months. Half of US ski areas offer night skiing and by not the resort is missing out on potential gues ts that may want sleep in and ski later in the day and into the evening.These groups will simply spend money and ski elsewhere. 4. North northeast facing mountains retain snowfall better by having less sun exposure (PG 40). Big Sky has set their runs up to be facing directly east, right in the face of the rising morning sun. This could potentially create a hazard for skiers coming down the slopes early and cause snow blindness. This sun exposure also causes snow to melt faster and potentially harm the integrity of runs. Because of this, more tree’s may be needed on the runs for shade, which could in turn limit the use of the mountain for runs. 5.Parking, everyone’s worst nightmare (PG 45). Big Sky wasn’t really built around the idea that many skiers would drive in and out, and it shows in their parking. Big sky has 4 parking lots and only 1, and a small one at that, is remotely close to the lifts. Big sky clearly sacrificed close parking for slope side lodging. Since they have already built up the prime parking area’s with Mountain Village, an idea as suggested in the book would be to make underground parking. Putting even one level underneath the base camp could make for an extremely efficient parking system and use of space.COMPETITION Local Heading south from Bozeman, MT will take you right to Big Sky’s doorstep, but going east will bring you to a local competitor, Red Lodge Mountain Resort. Red Mountain Lodge, or RML, has a close proximity to Big Sky, but they are miles apart in many other similarities. The most obvious is the mountain. By comparison, RML has a much smaller mountain with less lifts. Also apparent, is the mountain base. Where Big Sky has a lively mountain town with shopping, activities, hotels, RML has, well, nothing.Their lodging properties are located sporadically around the area. There is the actual town of Red lodge off the base of the mountain, but not far. This active host community is something that Big Sky doesn’t have. Because of their limitations in a base village, RML offer far fewer (almost no) other venues of entertainment besides the town and the mountain. The only exception to this is their golf course. They offer an 18 hole golf course run by the resort and located near the town of Red Lodge. National Alyeska Resort, in Girdwood, Alaska is a national competitor to Big Sky.Also making the top 40 list of ski resorts in North America by Outsideonline. com, Alyeska is no small time resort. Alyeska only has a couple of hotels and limited runs on the mountain, 73. However their system of 8 total lifts compliments the mountain well. Alyeska Also offers night skiing, which Big Sky does not. The resort and mountain is also well known, having hosted the US Alpine champion ships 5 times, the latest in 2009. Alyeska chargers comparable prices for comparable rooms to Big Sky, so guests willing to travel won’t choose one over the other because of price.Alyeska also ha s a spa complete with yoga classes. The average snowfall is 512 inches, which is over a hundred inches more that Big Sky can boast adding the grandeur of the runs. International Located in Savoie, France Les Trois Vallee, or The three Valley’s ski resort is the largest ski resort in the world. It is actually comprised of three separate ski resorts linked together since 1963 so it’s possible to ski between all of them. The Resort is actually 8 different resorts all operating together between the 3 valley’s and 4 ridges that create the mountain.The mountain has 183 different lifts, 37 of which are gondolas, servicing 600km (375 miles) of skiable areas spread out between 335 runs. Trois Vallee offers an even more extended list of accommodations between their 8 resorts than Big Sky. The range from ‘self-catered apartments’ and chalets, small ski side houses, to hotels and holiday clubs. This collection of resorts is a competitor to Big sky because the o ffer a similar experience with the mountain base village. The intertwining of multiple resorts compounds this and gives guests multiple venues to enjoy time off the mountain.