Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Handling The Problems Of Teenage Pregnancy Social Work Essay Example

Handling The Problems Of Teenage Pregnancy Social Work Essay Example Handling The Problems Of Teenage Pregnancy Social Work Essay Handling The Problems Of Teenage Pregnancy Social Work Essay confronting the menace of societal norms, fiscal job, parental manner, end up of instruction, etc. It seems that there is neer a good pick. In this assisting procedure, it may conflict with my ain involvement and personal value and I afraid that would act upon the client s self-determination ability. I feel confident with my professional of non-judgmental , but speaking about supplying the options, it is difficult for my penchant of anti-abortion. My female parent is a Christian and her Christian value of opposing abortion has a great affect on me. From a Christian position, deliberate abortion, unless the female parent s life is in danger, is slaying. I agree with the thought that this is sort of killing the most defenceless livin existences by taking away their most basic right to populate, without their permission. So this is besides the ground why in some states, abortion is illegal. The babe is guiltless. It is a calamity that one have no right to find to populate or non. I regard the babe as human life though some people say it is merely an unwanted tissue . Besides, adolescent abortion patients are more likely to come up with physical hazards. Because their organic structures are non yet to the full developed and can non bring forth pathogens, which are found in the cervical mucous secretion of older adult females and protect them from infection. These adolescents are besides twice every bit likely to see cervical lace rations and higher hazard for post-abortion infections such as pelvic inflammatory disease and endometritis. Scared by above information, I was clear that my personal involvement is an obstruction to me of giving the unwed female parent the pick of abortion. On the other manus, continue the gestation, the major concern is raising up the babe. If the babe could non born in a complete household, or the parent were loath to accept his/her, it may do a negative consequence on the babe s whole life. It is non his pick to come to this universe, but he have to bear all these. I truly believe in the household of beginning s womb-to-tomb affect on the babe. Social scientists have found that the kids turning up in individual parent households are disadvantaged in many facets comparing to a two-biological-parent households. Surveies shows that these kids are more potentially to hold aberrant behaviours such as become low acadamic accomplishment, drug maltreatment, fall in a pack, ect. Many of these jobs are related to the hapless economic status and parenting manner. To be honest, none of us want to born in a individual parent household. The kid may instead his female parent did non give birth to him, but he have no pick. I worry that my quandary of these instances would impact these sensitive teenage as they are truly vulnerable under such status. In the hereafter work, I realize there is no manner to get away from all this sort of issue. I have no pick but find out a applicable manner to cover with it. How do societal worker handle teenage gestation After making literature reappraisal, I found the central values of societal work give me an effectual support to manage these crisis. The Code of Ethics point out that all human existences merit entree to the resources they need to cover with life s jobs and to develop their full potency . As a societal worker, we must believe that the client have the ability to do the preferred determination. Keep impersonal and heighten their problem-solving and decision-making capacity in order to avoid struggle between our personal beliefs with the client s value. Tough determination to do Using empathy to this sort of instances, we should acknowledge their emotional reactions. If we can non stand in their places, it is impossible to assist them to assist themselves. During this period, their emotion would be easy affected and would travel through shocked, frightened, frustrated, angry, incapacitated, lost and entirely, disquieted and black. Showing credence and being supportive is indispensable, it can take down the client s anxiousness and construct up a trusting relationship. After the client s direction of her emotion, weigh out the options, for illustration: her mental or physical wellness during prenancy, the fiscal conditionl and household support of the adolescents household, the household and position of the male parent, the future instruction or other programs for her. In the assisting procedure, she is assisted to measure her strengths and failings every bit good as her extant resources and restrictions, identify and buttocks options, show empathy on her ideas and feelings every bit good as take serious consideration of the public assistance of the babe. Understand and inform the client about the pros and cons of all the picks, use the resources and so esteem her pick no affair what it is.. Though the concluding determination is made by the client, this pick in fact would non be decided by her ain. No uncertainty this would affect of her household support system or spouse and friends societal web. These adolescent are tend to do determination under the force per unit area given by their parens or fellows. Mother s pick Normally, societal worker whom work on the teenage gestation instance will supply the adolescent three options and assist this client to measure her state of affairs. Keep the babe. If the client decide to maintain the babe, the societal worker should do it clear to the realistic demands of the costs whether now or the hereafter. Make certain she acquire the to the full position of the hereafter challenges. Many sorts of duties she has to take, such as physical and psychological alterations, fiscal hazards or maternal direction. And the most of import, is she good fix for the new function of a parent. Give the babe up for acceptance. The most important undertaking before the babe s birth, is consider to do the maximal benefits for the babe. Though it may interrupt the female parent s bosom. After concerns of the babe s better hereafter, some pregnant misss will go on their gestations and distressingly give up the babe for acceptance. If the client face her state of affairs of non ready for a parentage, no affair what sort of factors, we should esteem her pick. She is courageously acknowledging she is non ready to becom a female parent but want her babe to accomplish a better life. To take acceptance can elicit the sense of loss and guilty. This feeling will get down with the gestation itself because the anticipant parents recognize the fact of accept the loss of their ain immediate life programs. Covering with unhappiness and guilt is non easy, some of them may truly endure from the fact that for good separated from their kid or even experience heartache and shame last a life-time. So analyze all these cost and possibilities and inform her every bit much inside informations as possible, it help her feel in control and confirm of doing this determination. End the gestation. Some clip abortion is a difficult but sensible pick. Abortion is a really sensitive issue for many people and a really hard determination to do for many adult females. But to some extent, finacial or psychological restriction, they have no pick but to give up their babes for adortion for farther consideration. Having an abortion under 24 hebdomads is considered legal in Hong Kong. Besides, societal worker should do certain that the client is informed the possible effects, by confer withing the physician, the household and the spouse to measure the finding. How if I face this issue As I realize the troubles of myself in covering with adolescent gestation, the best manner to work out this quandary is follow the ethical rules. All societal worker s work is assisting people to assist themselves. What I have to make is to assist her happen out the best manner to work out her job. First is to maintain confidential. Merely in this manner, the client assured that their information will non known by others so that will speak freely and supply more imformation. The rule besides indicate our the confidentiality is non absolute when the client present a danger to self or others. I may discourse this concerns with my client and allow her to make up ones mind whether to go on the services under such state of affairs. A adolescent may confront a quandary, whether to state others or non. When we feel the engagement of a parent or friends could be helpful, but she may non desire any outside engagement. It is sensible that under the force per unit area of societal norms, this immature miss will wish to maintain a secret. Senior societal work suggest that the best manner is explore her reluctance of stating others, after that, is up to her determination. And so, consent is an of import ethical issue every bit good. We suggest voluntary engagement with the instance to the client. For case, Canada s common jurisprudence states that people can accept if they are capable of understanding their job, the proposed intervention, and the likely effects of holding or declining intervention. In another word, it is her pick to consent or garbage. Confronting any sort of aberrant behavior, a societal worker must be non-judgmental. All of us were have been taught that we should non do judgements in category. As a human being, it is difficult of seting none emotion on others. Geldard holds the position, that being non-judgmental and handling client with unconditioned positive respect are ends which we should seek our best to accomplish. Though this is hard, we need to research in supervising any personal issues which may be interfering with their ability to be more accepting. I should endeavor to make this in order to construct up a trusting relationship with the client. Decision Teenage gestation is a many-sided issue that involve so many factors. As a societal worker, understanding these adolescents as they try difficult on doing their determinations sing gender and parentage involves, maintain in touch with their perceptual experiences of themselves and their appraisals of the chances that waiting them. After composing this paper, I recognize I had considered excessively much about humanism and furthering a healthy babe, but neglect the pregnant adolescent my client. A societal worker s most concern is how to assist the client to do maximal benefit in her state of affairs but non to judge if they are right or incorrect. I have to larn and pattern more on believing in the client s ability to work out the job and esteem her pick. I will non go through judgement on the client who are facing hard determinations, they are making the best they can.

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