Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Paradise Now and Then - 1402 Words

Clay Meyers History of Art 3901 Professor Svede September 7, 2012 Filmmaking features can shape the viewer’s attitude toward specific elements of a film. Music, timing, camera features, setting and much more all influence the viewer’s outlook. The Battle of Algiers and Paradise Now and then both put their perspective on the struggle between two different groups and fighting techniques within the two sides. Each film takes a different approach to connect the viewer to the film. With only being exposed to twenty-six minutes of The Battle of Algiers, it was difficult to get on a personal basis with the characters. Understanding who the characters were and the reasoning for their actions was missing. Learning on how and why they†¦show more content†¦Film making decisions can very easily pull in a viewer to the themes and motives of a plot. In The Battle of Algiers, the viewer does not get pulled into the battle. The film lacks the interest of one side over another and without this choosing of a protagonist verse an antagonist, t he viewer cannot feel emotionally tied into the battle. Also without being introduced to any characters, the viewer in unclear to who is really being put at risk with each attack, who is gaining or losing what from the attacks, and what is actually being gained or lost. The only influence on the attacks that the viewer is aware of is that one side attacked another, so they must strike back. The filmmaking decisions do not shape the viewers attitude toward any character in this film. In Paradise Now and then, the viewer follows Said and Khaled through their journey to supposedly the end of their lives. The viewer is able to feel why the characters choose to go along with their mission, what is at stake if the mission is attempted, and what will be gained and lost if the mission is successful. Religion is a big factor that influences Said and Khaled to become suicide bombers. Khaled asks, â€Å"What happens after death?† He gets an answer of â€Å"Two angels will pick you up. † This is very satisfying for Khaled and Said to hear. Remarks are often made throughout the film regarding God. That they are doing their people and God aShow MoreRelatedFilm Analysis : Paradise Now1232 Words   |  5 PagesParadise Now is a 2-hour film released in 2005, it depicts a perspective alternative in a highly controversial topic of suicide bombers or also known as a ‘martyr’. The movie takes place in Palestine during the Israeli occupation and illustrates the mundane life and frustration felt by the main characters Said and Khaled due to the oppression experienced during the conflict. A key feature that is also portrayed is the reasoning, and almost justification of an attack on that level. 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