Tuesday, August 25, 2020

How to Be a Good Teacher Free Essays

Incredible English Teachers What are the attributes of a decent educator of English? The characteristics extend from incredible instructing and the board techniques to a decent demeanor. Top Characteristics for Teachers There are 15 attributes of successful instructors that run from having exclusive requirements to being adaptable and innovative. These 15 qualities can be set into two classifications: the board and instructional methods and individual characteristics. We will compose a custom article test on Instructions to Be a Good Teacher or on the other hand any comparable subject just for you Request Now To have solid homeroom the board and instructional strategies, an English instructor needs to attempt an assortment of methods to locate the ones that work for the person in question. Instructional Techniques English educators need to show perusing, composing, review, tuning in, and talking. These are five unmistakable regions, and each has its own arrangement of benchmarks and pointers. Basically, English instructors have a lot of substance to shuffle in the study hall. The rundown of pointers for their substance is very long. They should be learned of language, jargon, composing, artistic components, extraordinary books, exploring procedures, discourse methodologies, and so on. Notwithstanding being an ace of substance, instructors need to have an enormous collection of educating systems. Direct guidance, synergistic learning, and the jigsaw procedure, are only a couple of strategies that powerful educators use in the study hall. Assortment is the key. In this way, the English instructor must be adaptable and ready to attempt an assortment of methodologies to perceive what works best with their understudies. The executives Techniques Good English instructors must have astounding homeroom the board procedures. In the event that educators can't deal with their understudies effectively, almost no learning will happen in the study hall. With the No Child Left Behind Act and current state strategy, it is significant that understudies make gains in their learning each year. For youthful educators, study hall the executives is typically a battle. New instructors should be happy to search out prepared educators to coach them on the best way to deal with the homeroom appropriately and to attempt distinctive study hall the executives techniques. Character Traits Usually, the three most significant character qualities are an adaptable methodology, a mindful mentality, and a comical inclination. There are, obviously, other character qualities that empower instructors to become extraordinary educators. Notwithstanding, in the present downpour of progress in instruction, an instructor should be adaptable to support an understudy. It additionally assists with having the option to snicker and to continue grinning in this atmosphere of progress. It is significant that understudies feel that their instructors care about them. They have to have a sense of security in a steady learning condition since this might be the main safe spot that a few kids have. A sheltered, caring learning condition will assist understudies with working to their actual potential. Last, instructors need to have a comical inclination. Such a significant number of things turn out badly consistently. It is critical to have the option to giggle and to continue onward. The understudies need a glad educator, not a furious one. The attributes of a decent educator of English incorporate numerous qualities and techniques. English educators need to give a valiant effort in executing procedures in the homeroom to help our nation’s youngsters arrive at their learning possible Think back to your school days for a second, who were your preferred instructors? Which ones did you gain more from and why? The odds are that they were ones who made your exercises â€Å"come alive†. Connect with you in your exercise rather than the â€Å"talk and chalk† assortment! While having a sound scholastic foundation and information regarding your matter is a certain something, being able to identify with your understudies and pass on your message in reasonable, inspirational terms is very another. This implies not exclusively having the option to identify with your students yet having the option to adjust your material to suit their requirements, and put it across in the best (charming? ) structure, making a positive, steady learning condition. Encouraging a Language Having been an educator mentor for a long time I possess little energy for the instructor who conveys a similar exercise verbatim, after a seemingly endless amount of time after year, without considering their individual students’ needs and student types, or those whose sense of self is enormous to such an extent that they can't relate adequately to their understudies. To my brain, training a language requires various abilities to instructing different subjects like History or Math. We don’t gain proficiency with a language by discussing it; we get familiar with a language by talking in it! When an educator has introduced language, the understudies ought to communicate in and utilize the language (as it is they who need the training), and not the instructor talking the most elevated level of time †henceforth the term TTT - Teacher Taking Time. Language instructors additionally need to â€Å"rough tune† their language, talking in wording that are somewhat over the degree of the student, instead of over disentangle (therefore giving a bogus model) or besiege them with meta-language. Center Characteristics Carl Rogers, an American analyst recommended there are three center instructor attributes to help make a powerful learning condition. †¢Respect: Being sure and non critical concerning someone else †¢Empathy: Being ready to see things from another person’s perspective †¢Authenticity: Being yourself without selfish hindrances or holing up behind an occupation title These three characteristics an unquestionably bound to actuate a progressively constructive learning condition, where understudies are increasingly disposed to face challenges and assume liability for their own learning. Correspondence among understudy and instructor turns out to be progressively transparent and subsequently a more grounded bond develops, in view of shared regard. These characteristics ought not be â€Å"clothes† that an educator puts on in the homeroom. They must be veritable aims. A decent instructor is one who knows about their subject as well as has the character to pass on it in connecting with, inspirational terms. In this way showing and cooperation as opposed to clarification is frequently increasingly viable. In short: A successful language educator is one that thinks more about their students’ learning than they do about their own instructing! Top 10 Tips for Teachers are frequently positioned into a cumbersome and unpleasant circumstance, not so much certain about their power and some of the time not put with veteran educators who are a lot of help. These tips can help understudy instructors as they start their first educating assignments. It would be ideal if you note: these are not recommendations for how to move toward the understudies but rather for how to most successfully prevail in your new instructing condition. 1. Be On Time Punctuality is significant in the ‘real world’. On the off chance that you are late, you will NOT begin on the correct foot with your participating educator. Far and away more terrible, on the off chance that you show up after a class has started which you should educate, you are putting that instructor and yourself in an ungainly circumstance. 2. Dress Appropriately As an instructor, you are an expert and you should dress as needs be. There is nothing amiss with over dressing during your understudy educating assignments. The garments do help loan you a demeanor of power, particularly on the off chance that you look dreadfully youthful. Further, your dress tells the planning educator of your polished skill and devotion to your task. 3. Be Flexible Remember that the planning instructor has pressures put upon them similarly as you have your own weights to manage. On the off chance that you regularly instruct just 3 classes and the planning instructor asks that you take on additional classes one day since he has a significant gathering to join in, take a gander at this as your opportunity to get considerably further understanding while at the same time dazzling your commitment to your organizing educator. 4. Adhere to the School Rules This may appear glaringly evident to a few however it is significant that you don't defy school norms. For instance, on the off chance that it is contrary to the principles to bite gum in class, at that point don't bite it yourself. In the event that the grounds is ‘smoke-free’, don't illuminate during your lunch period. This is certainly not proficient and would be a detriment for you when it comes time for your planning educator and school to investigate your capacities and activities. 5. Plan Ahead If you realize you will require duplicates for an exercise, don't hold up until the morning of the exercise to get them finished. Numerous schools have strategies that MUST be followed for replicating to happen. In the event that you neglect to follow these techniques you will be stuck without duplicates and will likely look amateurish simultaneously. 6. Become a close acquaintence with the Office Staff This is particularly significant in the event that you accept that you will remain in the zone and conceivably going after for a vocation at the school where you are instructing. These people’s assessments of you will affect whether you are employed. They can likewise make your time during understudy showing a lot simpler to deal with. Don’t belittle their value. 7. Keep up Confidentiality Remember that on the off chance that you are taking notes about understudies or homeroom encounters to turn in for grades, you ought to either not utilize their names or change them to secure their characters. No one can really tell who you are instructing or what their relationship may be to your teachers and facilitators. 8. Don’t Gossip It may be enticing to hang out in the instructor relax and enjoy tattle about individual educators. Be that as it may, as an understudy instructor this would be an exceptionally hazardous decision. You may state something you could lament later. You may discover data that is false and mists your judgment. You may even irritate somebody without acknowledging it. Keep in mind, these are educators you could be working with again later on. 9. Be Professional With Fellow Teachers Do not hinder other teachers’ classes without a completely valid justification. At the point when you are talking with your organizing instructor or other

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Let’s analyze the gaming console industry Essay Example for Free

Let’s examine the gaming console industry Essay We can characterize two kinds of provider: the equipment provider and the product provider. The equipment providers giving the components expected to assemble the consoles have a low dealing power on the grounds that there have low exchanging expenses and there are a great deal of them. Then again, the product providers (engineers) have a high haggling power since they pick and set the conditions to work with each reassure. Passage Barriers Entry hindrances are high a direct result of high RD costs and the high capital speculation expected to begin a business in the support business. Interior Rivalry There is high inward contention among contenders on the grounds that the center player advertise is developing gradually, contenders have high leave boundaries and the items created turn obsoletes in under 5 years because of the quick advancement of innovation. The players in the business are: Sony, XBOX and Nintendo. Purchaser Power The haggling intensity of purchasers is high in light of the fact that there are numerous alternatives with low exchanging costs. Substitutes Low substitute force since they are not fundamentally the same as (like TV or other diversion gadget) and don’t satisfy the equivalent definite reason. Sony has not many contenders because of high boundaries to-passage and startup costs however purchasers and providers (game designers) have high haggling force and low exchanging costs. Sony should focus on another market as Nintendo did. We could consider this market the easygoing players showcase. So as to get in this new portion, Sony should build up a progressively intuitive method of utilizing their support without dropping the various highlights to abstain from losing their center player piece of the overall industry. The key of accomplishment for Sony is to adjust another innovation, for example, Nintendo did with Wii that will empower the organization to focus on a more extensive market and not just the guys from 16-36 years of age. The upside of entering those two markets with one reassure is that Sony will enter a greater market with greater returns and subsequently greater economies of scales. Likewise, entering the easygoing player showcase is significant for the organization to abstain from falling behind its rivals in the two markets since this new fragment will improve the brand presentation and acknowledgment. The hazard related to this choice is to turn this high performing console in a low performing console (as Nintendo did) and lose the center players clients that are critical to Sony monetary solidness and development. A major test for this new comfort will be to reduce expenses so as to make it increasingly available to clients, since the easygoing players market will be â€Å"guided† by cost. Opposite the Five Forces, if Sony somehow managed to seek after this choice, the organization will contend in the center player showcase and on the easygoing player advertise. On the easygoing player showcase the substitutes will have more force. Sony will contend with different exercises, for example, staring at the TV, viewing a film and others front room exercises. The primary â€Å"purpose† of this market is diversion all in all while the center player advertise is tied in with playing computer games. Update: Sony and Microsoft had just actualized progressed intelligent advances. These days, Microsoft has the most progressive programming and equipment that don’t need controllers any longer, simply your body.

The Three Little Pigs

Growing up I’m sure numerous children put stock in all fantasies, giving them the motivation to think everything in life must be great, for instance having the ideal kid/sweetheart and living joyfully ever after with him/her, or being rich and live in this large palace, and getting everything without exception they may need. As we as a whole know in all fantasies there’s constantly a destruction, in light of the fact that there’s consistently somebody negative that’s ruining another person from being upbeat or free. On account of the Three Little Pigs there was a wolf that harassed three honest little pigs. The notable fantasy takes its crowd on an excursion of three pigs and a wolf. Albeit most if not all fantasies are pretend, a portion of the things in them are like genuine circumstances. In the wake of perusing the fantasy, it is anything but difficult to relate this invented story to something we face in our general public now which is harassing. There are a few comparative qualities of the wolf and the normal â€Å"bully† which are not constrained to the way that both anticipate control and accommodation, display physical terrorizing, and feeds on control. In this specific fantasy the wolf assumed the job of a domineering jerk. The wolf chose to torment the pigs until he got what he needed simply like the normal domineering jerk. In the fantasy the pigs out stung the domineering jerk and made him flee crying, shows kids that harassers are not too extreme in awful within, it’s a front they put on to get what they need and to get regard. As the wolf flees crying gives us that the story is finished and in spite of the fact that they may not say it yet it leaves us to accept the three little pigs are carrying on a cheerfully ever after gratitude to the pig with the block house. As we as a whole know that’s not really how a genuine story may end, the domineering jerk may flee crying yet it typically returns multiple times harder. Menaces are typically the meanest looking individuals around, normally greater than there casualties, and furthermore alarming looking. Harassing unravels nothing; it messes more up, and gives the foes low confidence for the following individual. Most domineering jerks normally meet there coordinate simply like in the fantasy the Three Little Pigs. The domineering jerk meddled with the two most vulnerable pigs first and he won, however the third pig set out to appear as something else and faced him and proved to be the best leaving the harasser with a face loaded with tears and a hot base from attempting to slither down the fireplace. That’s here and there everything necessary is for that one individual to develop the guts to face a harasser, not to advance viciousness yet at times that might be the main way out. The third little pig cut on bubbling water when the wolf was attempting to get down his smokestack to show him a thing or two they’ve been indicating to him the whole time, and that was simply to disregard them. The domineering jerk needed to be ravenous and to get what he needed, and wound up getting an unexpected end result. In the story we may know there’s three little pig siblings that all wanted to live in independent homes now that their more seasoned. The initial two pigs constructed their homes out of sticks and straw, the wolf went along and handily blew their home down. The last pig was the sharpest in light of the fact that he constructed his home out of blocks, and by and by along came the large awful wolf. The wolf originally thumped and the pig addressed yes who’s there, and the wolf said it’s a poor little sheep searching for food let me in. The pig wasn’t tricked and didn’t let him in so the wolf started attempting to spat and puff and blow his home down as he did to his siblings. The wolf attempted and attempted until he turned blue yet the house wouldn’t move. The wolf at that point detected the stack and chose to go down it to get in. The pig heard him so he started bubbling heated water and included fire then the wolf got set ablaze. Notice I never referenced what befell the pigs after the wolf blew their homes down, leaving us to accept that the pigs all carried on a joyfully ever after. Well not in the commented on Three Little Pigs from London, by David Nutt, the initial two pigs were eaten by the wolf after he huffed and puffed and blew their home down. Toward the end the third little pig bubbled and ate the wolf after it descended the stack and fell in the bubbling water. In the Walt Disney story for the Three Little Pigs, when the wolf blew the first pig’s house down he raced to the second pig’s house made of sticks. The wolf came there and blew his home down and they rushed to their brother’s house with the blocks. At that point when the wolf attempted to descend the smokestack they did anyway bubble high temp water and include some warmth. Rather than the wolf stalling out in the pot and getting eaten by the pig, the warmth flew the wolf directly retreat from the fireplace. The Three Little Pigs show kids ethics through intriguing stories. At the point when it was first made it was called â€Å"The Wolf and the seven Young children. † That form and the Walt Disney variant show obligation in light of the fact that the pigs needed to fabricate their own home for assurance from the wolf. Duty is something all adaptations of the Three Little Pigs share. The pigs are free, indicating that difficult work is constantly granted and trust me it truly is. Likewise in the Disney variant when the pigs were all together, and the wolf was attempting his hardest to get in. the pigs confronted him as one in the block house and really sent him home crying. That basically shows collaboration, holding, and boldness; and it could likewise enable an individual to face life conflicts all through life. The wolf had no inner voice or cares when it went to the outcomes to his activities. Which is much the same as a domineering jerk nowadays, they don’t care about getting in a tough situation what so ever. Those are the ones we as a rule find in prison till this day. Toward the finish of the story when the wolf attempted to go down the smokestack and get scorched, delineates that terrible conduct isn't acknowledged and it in the long run prompts some discipline. I’ve referenced collaboration and duty. For instance when there’s a youngster viewing the film they’re not going to consider how the pigs collaborated and brought down the wolf and consider it cooperation or holding. Thought the youngsters simply appear to be so into the pigs, after it I’m sure they become familiar with a little duty and some great ethics throughout everyday life. Taking a gander at the Brothers Grimm version†¦ The examination of the two stories are to some degree the equivalent despite the fact that the London form of the story might be more rough than the story we may know, there both comparable in light of the fact that the third little pig accomplished something his siblings didn’t which is think carefully and confront the domineering jerk as it were. At the point when you read the London adaptation it appears it’s simpler to identify with in light of the fact that it’s increasingly like a genuine story. The initial two little pigs got ate since they weren’t thinking carefully; the third pig was more intelligent than his sibling and endure.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Haveloche corporation Essay Example for Free

Haveloche enterprise Essay Haveloche Corporation is an innovative work organization, which converts into inconsistent incomes after some time. There are times when virtuoso thoughts acquire loads of income for the organization. Notwithstanding, there are likewise times where those virtuoso thoughts are retired in light of the fact that nobody has an enthusiasm for that patent. The regularly changing incomes end up being hard for dynamic, particularly with regards to whether the organization should offer back to its financial specialists or not. Haveloche is continually confronted with the bind of choosing what profit arrangement is best for the association and the financial specialists. The company’s CEO recorded the stock costs and profits for us to take a gander at. There are 3 hypotheses of speculator inclination for profit versus capital increases: (1) Dividend Irrelevance Theory or Modigliani Miller (2) â€Å"Bird-in-the-hand† Theory (3) Tax Preference Theory. As per Modigliani Miller (MM), the profit strategy has not impact on the stock cost of the firm or the expense of capital. This hypothesis expresses that speculators reinvest the profits once again into the firm and the firm’s esteem is just founded on the pay created from its benefits, and not the profits and held income. As per the subsequent hypothesis, the â€Å"Bird-in-the-hand† hypothesis, profits are known and steady and capital additions are obscure and dubious. The profit is less dangerous than capital increases. The danger of the firm’s incomes over the long haul is dictated by the profit payout approach as indicated by this hypothesis. As indicated by the third hypothesis, Tax Preference Theory, capital additions are favored over profits. Because of time estimation of cash, a dollar paid later on charges has a lower cost than a dollar paid on charges in the present. Capital gains regularly have preferred duty favorable circumstances over profits, which is the reason a few speculators want to put resources into organizations that limit profits. In light of the dissipate plot, I would need to state that Haveloche has picked an assortment of these various speculations throughout the years since they have been delivering profits. At the point when the organization expected to reinvest the cash again into the organization, they profit was brought down. At the point when the organization had a lot of additional money lying around, the profit payout expanded. Haveloche has been delivering a profit since its underlying IPO, however those profits shift from year to year. One could contend that the profit is ensured every year dependent on history, however the financial specialist hasn't the faintest idea concerning how what that profit will be based off. Besides, in the event that you investigate the stock cost from year to year, it generally vary all over. Financial specialists in this don't know from year to year if the company’s licenses are going to become quite wealthy or on the off chance that they are simply going to be retired. It being a RD organization, it is a dangerous organization, which speculators know before venturing out with putting away their well deserved cash. Haveloches business depends on the obscure of whether the licenses will be helpful to gadgets organizations. The organization may think of something that it regards the following large thing, yet it may not discover an organization that needs to utilize it. Financial specialists in Haveloche are not in it explicitly for the profits. Financial specialists are seeking after overwhelming payouts if Haveloche becomes wildly successful. The organization needs to accomplish more research and investigate which profit approaches are working for the other little R;D organizations that deal with patent undertakings. With more data and results, Haveloche would have the option to settle on a progressively shrewd business choice about which profit arrangement it ought to pick.

Monday, August 3, 2020

How to Stop Being Lazy and Unproductive

How to Stop Being Lazy and Unproductive Happiness Print How to Stop Being Lazy By Jodi Clarke, MA, LPC/MHSP twitter linkedin Jodi Clarke, LPC/MHSP is a licensed professional counselor and mental health service provider with over 20 years of experience in the field. Learn about our editorial policy Jodi Clarke, MA, LPC/MHSP Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on May 31, 2018 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on October 14, 2019  Westend61 / Getty Images More in Self-Improvement Happiness Meditation Stress Management Spirituality Holistic Health Inspiration Brain Health Technology Relationships View All We all have periods of time when we feel less energetic and struggle to find motivation. It is common to feel this way on occasion but, when these moments start becoming more frequent or last for longer periods of time, we might start seeing ourselves differently. Our goals become less important, we find it difficult to feel inspired and we might start wondering if we are capable. We may even start calling ourselves lazy. Our Ideal Self We all have a sense of who we want to be, how we want to behave, goals  we want to accomplish, and how we want to show up in the world.  Ideal self  is a concept in psychology that refers to the image we carry in our minds of what our best self would look, act, and feel like. Our ideal self is often an image of productivity and our achievement of certain goals, healthy behaviors, and more. Unfortunately, our busy lives dont often allow for much reflection on our ideal self and it seems to get lost in the shuffle, tucked away somewhere with our childhood answers to What do you want to be when you grow up? Youre Not Alone If you feel lazy or unproductive at times, you are certainly not alone. Research has found that only 8%  of people who set a New Years resolution actually achieve their intended goal. In fact, 1 in 4 people dont make it past their first week before throwing in the towel! What happens that makes it so difficult to hang in there, stay productive, and work toward our desired goals? There are many things that can get in the way of our productivity and achievement of goals, leaving us to see ourselves as lazy. Sometimes the obstacles are situational or related to timing and opportunity, while other times we may be creating the obstacles ourselves with our approach, our mindset, or our methods. Old Habits Die Hard In order to make real progress and quit our old lazy patterns, we need to recognize what might be influencing our inability to reach our goals or leaving us  feeling less productive than we would like to be. So, what you might think of as lazy, may just be a matter of switching up your approach and getting rid of old, unhelpful habits that have kept you from feeling productive and achieving your goals. Here are several such habits that can prevent us from reaching our goals. If anything on this list looks familiar, dont worryâ€"you are far from alone: Making your  goals too big or complicated. We all want to reach the pinnacle, but we might grossly underestimate how much effort and time it takes to get up there. If we give up after a few hours, its not because we are lazy but because we may have realized we miscalculated the amount of time and effort involved.Expecting yourself to be perfect. When we are working toward a goal we expect the road to be smooth and consistent when, in reality, the path toward our goal is most likely going to be full of twists, turns, and setbacks.Listening to your inner critic. If the term lazy is part of your self-talk, there are likely more negative and critical statements that come from your inner critic on a regular basis. You may even bring out your inner critic in an attempt to motivate yourself. What happens? Your critical voice focuses on all of your flaws and shortcomings, rather than any existing strengths and positive attributes that could help you move forward.Listening to criticism from o thers.  As we learn  about ourselves and the world through our experiences, we are receiving feedback from others that helps to shape our self-concept.  When someone important to us has called us lazy in the past, it can really impact how we see ourselves even into adulthood. We may also hear people criticize our efforts in our adult life, leaving us to feel self-doubt or discouragement.Not creating a plan of action. When we find inspiration and become excited about a new goal, we can forget the importance of creating a plan. Our excitement for the goal can cause us to move fast and with a lot of passion, but turn into a sense of being overwhelmed and feeling aimless. What to Start Doing Fortunately, there are plenty of achievable steps you can take to turn things around or stay on track with your goals: Create small, attainable goals. You can still desire to reach the pinnacle, but break that huge goal down into smaller goals that will help you feel more accomplished and motivated to continue climbing. As you consider the big picture, remember the key steps that will be needed to get there and write them down. If needed, break those down into even smaller or shorter-term goals.  Take time to develop a plan. Sit with yourself for a moment as you reflect on your desires and goals, considering those small and attainable steps you will need to accomplish in order to get there. Be realistic about the amount of effort, time, money, help or other factors involved in meeting this goal. Going into the process with an action plan will help you feel more confident and peaceful, as well as give you something to refer back to when you feel discouraged or have a setback.Focus on your strengths. If you are used to an inner critic that focuses on your flaws and shortcomings, you will find great ben efit in taking inventory of your strengths. Do you find it hard to think of any personal strengths? Consider any challenge you have been through and reflect on what personal strengths you used to get through that experience. If you still find it difficult to identify strengths, ask friends or family what they see as your greatest strength. You can also find strengths assessments online, such as the Values In Action inventory.Celebrate the small victories. Celebrating your victories as you accomplish the small goals, or even as you overcome setbacks, can help you continue moving forward. The pride we experience in meeting our goals can help reinforce more positive self-talk. We experience increased self-efficacy with each accomplishment, which can help us find long-term success.Recruit support. It is okay to ask for help along the way. We thrive when connected to important people in a positive, healthy way. Allow those important support people to be a part of your experience. You may want them to celebrate with you along the way or may want to turn to them in times of need when you experience a setback or obstacle. Finding reassurance and encouragement from important people in our lives can help us develop greater resiliency. Your Physical Health Our feelings of laziness can also be influenced by how we are taking care of ourselves physically. We can learn new goal-setting habits and work to challenge our negative thought patterns, but we also need to consider what we are doing for our bodies. Taking care of our physical health can help set the stage for increased energy which, in turn, can allow us to put these other positive changes into action. Food What we eat plays a significant role in how energetic we feel. When our schedules dont allow much time for food planning and preparation, we might find ourselves reaching for quick options on the go, options that offer little nutritional value to help us maintain adequate energy levels. Foods higher in protein, for example, can help our bodies to maintain more stable blood sugar levels and keep us from feeling drastic ups and downs in our energy throughout the day. Examples of food and drink  that can help increase energy include: AlmondsSalmonBananasYogurtOatsDark Leafy GreensChickenWater Examples of food and drink to  avoid if you want increased energy include: French friesCandyBreadSugary drinksDonutsDessertsAlcohol Although sugary foods can give us a temporary boost of energy, it is very short-lived and can leave us feeling as if our energy levels have bottomed out. The timing of our meals and snacks can impact our energy levels as well. Eating smaller meals through the day can help us maintain steady levels of energy, compared to eating larger, heavier meals that often leave us feeling  tired. Exercise When we are tired and feeling lazy, the last thing we likely want to do is exercise. However, moving our bodies can help increase our energy levels and overall feelings of productivity. Research has shown that even just low to moderate levels of exercise can have a significant impact on our energy levels, helping to reduce fatigue.   Ways to incorporate more exercise can include: Walking your dogJogging with a friendHiking with a groupAttending a group fitness classTrying a new yoga class Sleep Our sleep patterns can greatly impact our energy levels. If you tend to feel lazy, you might think you are getting too much sleep at night or find yourself taking extended naps during the day. Creating a healthy sleep routine can help you maintain a consistent sleep schedule and, in turn, help you feel more balanced and energized to take on tasks and feel more productive. If you are a night owl or a napper, this transition could take some work. However, being able to start your day with increased energy, and being able to maintain your energy levels through the day, make the sleep routine worthwhile. What to consider in your sleep care routine: Try to go to bed at the same time each nightAim for 8 hours of sleep per nightLimit screen time at least an hour before bedLimit caffeine after lunchtime Stress Management Being constantly overscheduled, with demands placed on us in multiple areas of our lives, can leave us feeling physically and emotionally drained. In these moments we can find it difficult to take active  steps and make decisions because we are exhausted. Feelings of exhaustion can leave us feeling as if we are lazy when we are actually stressed and overwhelmed. According to the American Psychological Association, some helpful ways to manage your stress include things like: Incorporating  exercise and movement into your dayFinding reasons to smile or laughIncreasing  your social supportPracticing  meditation or prayer daily Boundaries A significant element of stress management is making sure we are using our time wisely. It can be easy to say yes to our co-workers, our spouse, our children, and friends. So easy, in fact, that you may find yourself unable to actually fulfill all of what you have committed to. Look at where you are spending your time, take inventory of unfinished tasks on your to-do list, consider where you can politely say no so that you can use that time for things that need your attention and energy. If the idea of setting boundaries is new to you, the first couple of steps would include giving yourself permission to do it and to start with small things. You may be afraid of how people will respond to you and that is okay. Remember that your goal here is to improve self-care, increase energy and feel empowered to tackle the tasks and goals that are important to you. Creating  time for yourself is key and setting small boundaries around your time will help you do just that. Dont Get Distracted With Comparison Lastly, when we feel lazy it is natural to look around and think everyone else is getting it right except you. Dont allow yourself to get caught in the distraction of comparing yourself to others. Remember, our inner critic is a roadblock to our productivity and can keep us feeling stuck. Allow yourself to show up differently in your life and remember that the journey is uniquely yours. Taking small steps toward better self-care, increased energy, improved goals, and healthy boundary setting can help you stop feeling lazy in no time. Prioritizing and taking consistent action steps are the key to long term change and there is no better time than now to take those first steps.