Tuesday, December 24, 2019

An Analysis Of Cathedral By Raymond Carver - 1441 Words

Cathedral Research Paper The short story â€Å"Cathedral†, by Raymond Carver, is a thought provoking piece that focuses on the transition a man goes through to see the world with his soul. The story gives hope that people can change if given the chance to be better people. Over the course of the story, Carver uses both diction and description to explore themes in religion and morality. â€Å"Cathedral† depicts a husband and a wife as they prepare and entertain a friend of the wife. The husband, the narrator, is not excited about the friend coming because he is blind. The blind man and the wife have been friends for longer than the husband has known the wife creating a complex and slightly jealous dynamic between the three characters. For the†¦show more content†¦By accepting and ingesting the Eucharist Catholics are promising to live as persons of Jesus and love everyone. This description demonstrates the irony present because the narrator does not live as a person of Jesus and does not love the blind man for who he is. Just like the bread is transformed in mass however, the main character’s heart is transformed by the end of the story. The use of diction also aids in the exploration of the religious theme. Carver’s choice to use the word cathedral is a religious word that connects the two men. As discussed in his article High Visibility, author Peter Middleton discusses the importance of the story using a cathedral to draw the two men closer to one another. He states that â€Å"†¦ [the cathedral] is not there simply to be see,† meaning that there is more to the cathedral than just what is seen. In Catholicism, cathedrals are very ornate places of worship, yet the beauty of the building is not what is most important. The functional use of a cathedral is to bring people together through prayer and worship. Similarly, the cathedral on the television in the story brings the two men together and breaks down the barriers between them. Only the narrator is able to see and appreciate the beauty of the cathedral but both men are able to gain an understanding and appreciation of each other by drawing the c athedral. Another theme in â€Å"Cathedral† is morality. InShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Cathedral By Raymond Carver Essay830 Words   |  4 PagesMistakable Judgments An Analysis of â€Å"Cathedral† Raymond Carver wrote a long-lived short story name â€Å"Cathedral†. Where a divorced women remarried after a hard experience to a person who is struggling to accept his wife’s very long relationship with a blind man. Her new husband suspiciousness controls his emotions and draw his thoughts falsely. As her very old friendship was having an unfortunate event that his wife had passed away, he arranged with her a visit to their house, which concerned herRead MoreAnalysis Of Raymond Carver s Cathedral1696 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction: Everyone has ghosts in their closets; something they are running from, or trying to bury alive. Cathedral, written by Raymond Carver, takes place in the early 1980’s. Originally published in The Atlantic Monthly in 1981. Carver slightly revised the story and re-released it in 1983. At a time when the blue collar working class lived paycheck to paycheck, working hard for newfound luxuries such as color television, this short story is humorous and eye-opening for the reader. For adultsRead MoreRaymond Carver Cathedral Analysis1231 Words   |  5 PagesIn Raymond Carver’s â€Å"Cathedral†, it tells the story of a man whose wife one summer, worked for a blind man. The blind man and the husband’s wife, kept in touch throughout the years by sending cassettes back and forth in the mail. The blind man’s wife recently died and the husband’s wife invites him to say in her home, but her husband is displeased by this request. In the beginning of the story, the husband is very rude to the blind man and finds amusement by making fun of the blind man’s disabilityRead MoreCathedral Raymond Carver Analysis1212 Words   |  5 PagesIn â€Å"Cathedral,† Carver’s use of visualization and climactic change of character emphasizes the theme that looking and seeing are two very different things. When Raymond Carver had his wife’s blind friend, Robert, join them for a few days, he should’ve been more understanding and empathetic with Robert’s blindness instead of just avoiding it or brushing it off as if it’s not there. Carver did very well in changing his ways and learning to accept and understand Robert. Carver also did a good job ofRead MoreAnalysis Of Raymond Carver s Cathedral 1648 Words   |  7 Pages Cathedral is a capitivating story based on the lives of the narrator, his wife and a blind man. Raymond Carver is the author of this story, and he does an excellent job allowing the reader to delve into the lives of these characters. Through using the thoughts of the narrator, the reader is able to grab our attention because the story is made more realistic. The views expressed by the narrator in many senses exemplify the views of many in society and therefore the reader is able to make an emotionalRead MoreAnalysis Of `` Cathedral `` By Raymond Carver920 Words   |  4 PagesRaymond Carver’s unnamed narrator in â€Å"Cathedral† provides a first-person point of view. This perspective opens a clear window into the feelings, attitudes, and the isolation of the unnamed narrator. The narrator’s tone of voice reveals his feelings and personality. This contributes to the story’s themes because the reader comes to understand things that the narrator never dir ectly or deliberately reveals; as a result, the reader comes to empathize with the narrator more deeply. Isolation and lonelinessRead MoreAnalysis Of Raymond Carver Cathedral1260 Words   |  6 PagesRaymond Carver is often known for his writing style known as minimalism, a style that often uses short phrases or sentences that convey a great amount of meaning. Carver’s â€Å"Cathedral† is full of minimalism, whether it be short and repetitive dialogue or brief thoughts that go through the narrators mind. These intentionally precise sentences are full of meaning, whether it be the importance of communication, or the lack of, the underlying tones of death and jealously, or even the psychological connectionRead MoreAnalysis Of Cathedral By Raymond Carver1541 Words   |  7 PagesA New Perspective Everyone at one point has judged a book by its cover. In the short story, â€Å"Cathedral†, Raymond Carver creates a narrator who bases off ideas and assumptions about blind people from movies. The narrator has never interacted with a blind person before the day where his wife invites her friend, who is named Robert, to stay. The narrator and Robert have never met, but the narrator has a strong dislike towards Robert before meeting. The narrator’s closed-mindedness and misconceptionsRead MoreRaymond Carver Cathedral Analysis985 Words   |  4 Pages In Raymond Carver’s story, â€Å"Cathedral,† we meet the nameless protagonist who is about to meet an old friend of his wife’s. The friend’s name is Robert and he is blind. In the beginning of the story, the narrator is uncomfortable with the idea of having someone with a disability, like Robert’s, in his home. He makes judgments about Robert and assumes that he is going to be like the b lind people he has seen in the movies. We also learn the background information about how hife wife and Robert metRead MoreCathedral By Raymond Carver Analysis1631 Words   |  7 Pages Cathedral is a short story written by American writer and poet Raymond Carver. (2017) The story was first published in The Atlantic Monthly in 1981 and appeared in The Americas Best Short Stories in 1982. (2012) In the short story cathedral, the narrator’s wife’s blind friend is coming to visit. The narrator isn’t thrilled about his wife’s blind friend coming to visit nor is he happy that the man is blind. Later in the evening the narrator experiences a life changing realization of the true meaning

Monday, December 16, 2019

Celeb Reputation Free Essays

In today’s society, celebrities are seen regularly on the front covers of newspapers, magazines, and on television shows. As a prominence in the public the celebrities must understand what a crucial part they play on kids and young adult’s life. It is their responsibility to make sure they are a pleasing choice for parents to be seen as a role model for their kids. We will write a custom essay sample on Celeb Reputation or any similar topic only for you Order Now I strongly believe celebrities should be obliged enough to be an admirable choice of a role model because, kids spend most of their time on television and internet to follow them. If the celebrities live a wild life their reputation in the public’s mind will be poor, and the celebrities will be viewed as a horrible choice of role models for the youngsters. In addition, it’s important to be a good role model because young kids are easily tempted, and if they find their most favorite person smoking they too will want to spoke. First of all, with information about a celebrity within kid’s fingertip, youngster is most likely to follow them rather than view either their friends or parents as role models. More than half of the celebrities in this world live a wild life to receive attention and popularity from the media. Apart from that, youngster tends to follow fashion from their favorite model. That means the kids tends to believe they have to be thin, blonde and wear the latest designer clothes in order to maintain their coolness in public. Some may say that there are other celebrities who do important things in society to educate others well of what is wrong and right. However, when the society looks at the superstars they are in all likelihood to picture the information the media have presented. This means that public picture more Disney stars who are supposed to be good kids turning bad and awful. Celebrities like Britney Spears who was caught on tape wrecking a car because of reasons that could have been solved peacefully are horrible influences on kids. When others are trying hard to teach youngsters on not using violence to solve problems, kids who see their favorite superstar doing the exact opposite may cause the kids to believe those things are acceptable, but they are not. Apart from that, celebrities live in a glass window. People judge them for their actions, so it is really important for them to make sure they think more than twice before they act. Since actions speak louder than words, it is important for them to choose wisely about the things they wear and the things they talk because youngster are watching them and following their footsteps minute by minute. It is true that in one way they shape up our society, and that is exactly why celebrities should try their best to have a good reputation in public. People appreciate other who does well this for the society, and not people who cause more problems for others. If the celebrities start to help the society, the public will be more than happy to accept them as heroes or role models for the young ones. However, we live in a society where most celebrities aren’t good role models. They do anything to receive attention from the media and public even if it’s for something bad and inappropriate. Some may argue that the celebrities are just living their life to the fullest, and there is nothing wrong with it. I do agree that there is nothing wrong with living a good wild life, but it shouldn’t be when there people around you who adores and worships you because you’re a famous person. If the celebrities did really want to live a wild life they shouldn’t have become famous after all. Also, celebrities aren’t exactly the right kind of role models because they pressure kids to turn the wrong way. Whenever the celebrities drink and drive, smoke pot, use drugs or talk inappropriate they don’t understand what exactly they are doing or whom exactly they are influencing. Research shows that kids who started smoking at young age got brainwashed into believing smoking was glamorous from their favorite actor or actress or someone they looked up to. Celebrities should be responsible enough to make the right choices in public, meaning they should learn how to apologize if they do something wrong. Kids these days have access into watching vulgar music videos filled with unacceptable scenes of their favorite actress smoking pot and drinking are not to be seen my young kids. Kids don’t know what exactly the right kind of a good role model is. Whenever someone asks them to be like their role model they picture a celebrity drinking, smoking, and doing all the bad things possible. That’s why most celebrities aren’t good role models because of the life they live. On the whole, most of the superstars in our society aren’t good example for the youngsters. They don’t believe they need to set an example for other. However the truth is they need to because people are always following them. These days wherever we look on billboard, magazines, websites, newspaper, and television shows all we see are scandals of celebrities and their weak point. The media have made them into a really horrible choice of an example to the young ones. They have exposed themselves in a wrong way to the public eye to become a subject people won’t be happy to talk about. In brief, celebrities aren’t good role models because they influence youngster in the wrong way to dress inappropriately, use drugs and start smoking. This cause the celebrities to have a bad reputation in public causing parents to be not happy about having their kids look up to the celebrities. How to cite Celeb Reputation, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Tao Te Ching free essay sample

The authors of these two documents had almost completely opposite ideas of how a ruler should behave and how a government should be run. One believed that the ruler could accomplish the most by doing the least; the other believed that by controlling how the public perceived a ruler was what would make him a success or a failure. Machiavelli believed that to rule the prince must do things that would win approval with his people, and that the prince must always keep and maintain arms to remain in power. On the other hand Lao-tzu believed that the master ruled with as little involvement as possible, he believed that to â€Å"not do† would have the greatest effect, and that to use arms as only a last resort. With just these two examples it becomes clear how different the authors viewed leadership and government. Throughout Lao-tzu’s Tao-te Ching are examples that show he feels that a master should rule by doing as little as possible to persuade people to do what is right. We will write a custom essay sample on Tao Te Ching or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He believes that when a master rules.